Denied Make a mall or a shopping center.

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by atPuddle, Feb 25, 2018.


Should PF make a mall?

  1. Yes, that would be so cool if we had a mall!

  2. No, that's dumb, no one got time to go to a mall.

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  1. atPuddle

    atPuddle Member

    Feb 10, 2018
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    Hey everyone,

    So I just want to say that /shop is a good command, it helps lazy users to shop faster instead of having to walk. But I feel that command doesn't really help that much. There used to be a /warp shop, but that has been removed after the new owners came. I love the new owners but some of the changes don't satisfy me and I feel like some stuff that was on the server before should stay. The server should be easier to use and I will tell you why you should bring back /warp shop and I will not stop until this done, we all loved /warp shop and it should be brought back.

    I think you guys should add it because /shop makes it hard to find stuff and I accidentally bought stuff from there, which makes it annoying and I had to make money to cover that. Maybe it is just me who can relate to that situation but I think it would be even easier to shop if there isn't a tiny box on the screen to click on and shop. But I feel as though it would make it easier if things were more organized than it is.

    When players do the /warp shop commands, it should look like a mall sort of and you can give each place a unique name. Like if they want to buy some food, you can name the places after real-life stores. Like Key Food, it is a supermarket that is known. You should make a place in the mall and name it maybe Craft Food or Kraft Food or something like that. Maybe you want to make some armor place, probably name it after Under Armour maybe and call it Super Armour or something, maybe if you want me to think of ideas, I will try to help.

    Minecraft is a game of roleplay, even Peaceful Farms. Peaceful Farms is supposed to be a place where you are a farmer and you need to grow crops to survive. We should make it more realistic by making shops so that we can shop from.You can probably try to associate with your Builder, which I forgot his name sorry and you guys could try to make a plan on how it will work, and if you need me to help, I will be more happy to help since it is my idea and I will try to convey to the person who is in charge of doing that.

    So I hope you guys find my reason valid enough to be accepted. It would be better if players can interact with the store instead of a 9 by 3 box on the screen. It would be cool if the names are customized so players can expect what will there be in that store. Plus the game is a roleplay, so it should be more realistic if you add a mall. I won't give up until we bring this back, we all deserve to have a cool mall and I will do what it takes to bring it back, even if I have to help build it and spend my time doing it.
    Chickencharm and Harry like this.
  2. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    The old /warp shops was for player shops, not a server shop. You could rent a shop and sell items through chestshops, and I think this would be good to be re-implemented. BUT, we should NOT change it to a server shop. Add /warp shop as the same way it used to be - player shops - and keep /shop for the server shop.
  3. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Ages ago there did used to be a /warp shop which had everything that you could buy and was a server shop. I would like to see that come back as it was so much easier to get items for building and redstone items such as pistons, repeters ect.
    Chickencharm likes this.
  4. JeeD

    JeeD New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    i agree loved just buying anything you needed made the server alot more fun for building, i suggested this at the reset but nothing came of it :(
    Chickencharm and Harry like this.
  5. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    There was an old server shop (it could have been before you joined)
  6. atPuddle

    atPuddle Member

    Feb 10, 2018
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    But what I mean by /warp shop is that they add the server adds items that players can buy. My idea of it was that it should look like the malls you guys go to when you need to buy stuff. That would look pretty cool.
    Chickencharm likes this.
  7. ZachTGD

    ZachTGD New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    We as players could make a mall and have other players set up shops
  8. atPuddle

    atPuddle Member

    Feb 10, 2018
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    I am planning on something like that if all fails.
  9. Zortorch

    Zortorch New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I used to own a mall before the reset. I have been slowly making a new one~
  10. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I would like it if /shop was kept, but it would be nice if it was a little more organized. Maybe make a section for the kits/warps and stuff, in its own command or something, and move stuff like player info as well. Then we could have more categories, more items and it would generally look cleaner and be simpler to use.
    Harry likes this.
  11. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    We're not stopping players from making there own builds for shops, chestshops are i believe now available to the public however this won't be returning as we're working on a new GUI for /shop.