Open Rankup Requirements

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by DwightSchrute, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. DwightSchrute

    DwightSchrute New Member

    Aug 13, 2019
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    I like the idea of having additional requirements to ranking up and not just money.

    However, there is one requirement that isn't as good as the others.

    Playtime requirements do not reward a player for spending their time efficiently and wisely. If you can grind to 100m a lot faster than other players, you will still be stuck at a certain rank until you can get a number of playtime hours. Instead of being a requirement, why not an additional reward if you can meet the other requirements in a certain amount of time? People who now do spend their time efficiently are held back until they can wait out the extra time, and the people who can spend a ton of time on the server but not spend their time as wisely have a massive advantage as their playtime is a lot higher.
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I agree that playtime requirements can be abit annoying; however, they’re also used to stop different types of behaviours like Player Boosting and to add a feature for additional rewards would just be very inconsistent which involves me remaking it. Maybe this could be a future thing; however currently we don’t plan to do this