Priority Add New Villager Features & Items

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SonmaVary, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. SonmaVary

    SonmaVary New Member

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If these new changes and updates are already planned or in progress I would like for this to be atleast confirmed, if not :

    I would like to see the new items and features from the 1.14+ updates to be added into the game! These items include things like the composter, the different furnace types ( e.g. the smoker & blast furnace), sawmill, and stonecutter. Bringing in the new update will make many things simpler and more fun for everybody. Adding the new villager features that include their improved farming and specialized tasks will bring in new fun farming techniques and ideas!

    Ideas or feedback is welcome.
    Amber likes this.
  2. Amber

    Amber Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    We are working on the 1.14 update! Peaceful Farms currently only uses 1.13, which is why these features haven't been added yet. : )
  3. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Hello. We're working as hard as we can on possible updates. Minecrafts new versions (1.14-1.5 snapshot) have been very hard for us to maintain a stable server in which is why they haven't been released. if we're going to update the main server to latest Minecraft features, we'll need all of our features to be properly and carefully crafted to stay exactly the same or better in which they haven't. We're making as many updates as we can along the way as well as more updates for 1.13. Please expect to see these soon.