Open Finite Items

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by AngryYeet, Mar 10, 2020.


What ideas do you like?

  1. Finite shop system powered by players

  2. Stock market exchange type economy in the /shop

  3. Taxation to deal with inflation

  4. I do not like any of these ideas

    0 vote(s)
  5. I am neutral and i feel no way about this

    0 vote(s)
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  1. AngryYeet

    AngryYeet New Member

    Mar 10, 2020
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    1. 1.
      having limits or bounds.
      "every computer has a finite amount of memory"

    My suggestion is to overhaul the sell/buy system of the shop.
    So essentially what i mean is have a player powered /shop
    Like you would first start the new shop with say 1000 of each item, Or how ever much you choose. Then players can buy or sell and in doing so it will modify the prices alot like the realworld free market
    supply and demand will modify the prices and the stocks

    So this gives people a reason to go out and purposely farm things like dirt or stone or leather etc

    So for example you open the overhauled store with 1000 leather At that specific stock level the price would be 10 dollars

    Say player x buys 100 of it the price then changes to 11 dollars a pop
    And then player y sells 200 and that causes it to go down to 9 dollars a pop

    So to further extend on this idea in doing so at the buying and selling the rates for that specific purchase would not change so if the rate is 10 dollars to sell it will stay at 10 dollars to sell even if i sell 1000 of them because thats the rate i agreed to
    Cap the sell limit so you could not sell say 100,000 units
    1000 seems like a reasonable cap so you still get a good income but cant abuse the system

    On the flip side it could also be treated individually so you can only guesstimate the income it will produce so people dont hyper focus on a specific thing

    On top of this system you could add an extra tax for using the shop to help deal with the inflation issue, So say the leather is 10, you will pay an extra dollar per unit or it could be 9 with a 1 dollar tax per unit , How ever it seems fair

    To further extend on the taxing option you could class people by wealth and cause larger taxes

    Again these are all just ideas , I dont know what the server needs, i dont know what the server dosnt need, I dont know what the servers economy looks like.
    That is for the admins to figure out

    These are just visual written down thoughts to help visualize the ideas behind them

    But i do believe that having a finite system would be beneficial even if no other system is implemented
    #1 AngryYeet, Mar 10, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020