Open Mineworld, a 4th map to keep our wold pretty

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by M0NITA, Nov 14, 2019.

  1. M0NITA

    M0NITA New Member

    Nov 9, 2019
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    Hey Farmers

    I'm not sure how to explain this, so I hope it makes sense. We all harvest trees, mud, clay, terracotta ect ect. We do so because we need those things in our builds and we run around on the map we live in, to find those things, letting the world behind with big ugly holes in and forest after forest with treetops that has no logs under them. But imagine if there was a /mineworld that would tp us to a 4th map where we could cut down trees and not thinks about replanting, where we could dig big holes when needing sand, and not care how it looked after ect ect, because this 4th world would get reset now and then, and all trees, all sand, all terracotta, all dias ect ect will be back on the map, ready to be harvested again.
    This would keep the world we live in pretty and save a lot of the mods time, from running around with world edit, trying to save the world we live in.

    Please let us have a 4th map. A /Mineworld to harvest and mine in

    Love, M0NITA
  2. Jess

    Jess Member

    Aug 12, 2018
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    hii, we dont usually do anything with the map as we dont need to. this is why we have resets of the worlds :D
    if you need materials in the open world, theres no rule saying you *have* to replant
  3. M0NITA

    M0NITA New Member

    Nov 9, 2019
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    Hey Jess

    I fully understand that. The part of no rules saying replant and think about how it looks, but we talked about this in world chat, and all those there though it to be a great ida. We like that the map looks good, that resourses gets reset and that the hole map don't have to be rest too often, because of missing trees ect ect.

    There's now overworld, nether and end, why not also a mineworld? Imagine how long the overworld map would last if we didn't break it into small parts to get stone, mud, clay ect ect, and imagine how nice it would be for us the player, to explore the map and have fun doing so, if the map is not just one sad looking cut up thing.
    What we where looking for, was a way to make the map last longer and stay pretty :)