Planned Discussion of Ideas and Improvements

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by CDOhio, May 2, 2020.

  1. CDOhio

    CDOhio New Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    To preface, I've played for a few years on PF and I like the improvements that I see year over year and reset over reset. With this in mind, I would love to start a discussion on some things that could be added, improved, etc.

    First, I think a command to be bought in the store for greater enchantment variety could be made. As with /enchant for donators, I think this command could be made as a separate option (in addition to being kept as a donor package item) for players who don't want to spend money for a specific command they want. I think this improvement would also, in fact, be an improvement because, unlike /fly, it can have tiers. For example, adding a basic enchanting package with the /enchant for all available enchants I have now (as ULT), then adding a tier two enchanting package, with it giving access to more advanced enchantments that might only be available through plug-ins (for example, enchants that can only otherwise be found on seasonal items). There would be an indubitable need to set guidelines on the second tier command. As this can easily become a game-breaking exploit, I would recommend setting the amount of times a player with this tier two command can use it. A twice weekly usage might suffice but it would be up to developers to balance if it were implemented. In addition, restrictions can be put in place to stop the selling of these OP items, such as disallowing them to be sold on /ah and adding a rule barring them from being sold for anything, period.

    Second, I see more prestige++++ players than ever before--and that may just be because I play on the old carrot server--so, if a new prestige or progression system re-work wasn't being considered, I think a new system evolving around money, play time and mcmmo levels would be more satisfying for players (even a system revolving around just money and mcmmo would be beneficial, in my opinion). For instance, when I played in the last reset for carrot, I was heavily incentivized to focus only on farming for money and making money by any means necessary. I was able to reasonably progress for the first few months, then I was able to do odd jobs for much more money than I would otherwise. Keep in mind, this option may not be feasible because I did have /fly and ULT and others may not. I was able to reach prestige++ without putting in much effort and I stagnated for the rest of that reset. My point is, if there were more aspects to progressing and ranking up, then I would have been much more inclined to pursue mcmmo (I did dig fervently in my idle time around my farm) and play time--even if it didn't directly affect my ability to secure the bag. Parallel to this point, I would like to see slight, incremental bonuses to mcmmo gains be added to prestige ranks. By this, I mean when I reach prestige+, I might earn a permanent +2% xp gain from doing anything mcmmo. If I were to grind mcmmo and neglect my farm, I wouldn't earn that extra +2% xp. This would give me an incentive to diversify the way I play, leading to a more worthwhile time on PF.

    Third, a smaller suggestion, I would want to see another way to acquire points. I am happy to see fishing contests because they're a cool server event that provides points for doing well and placing a value on mcmmo levels in fishing. For reaction events, an addition of a chance to get a point from it would, in my opinion, be a nice cherry-on-top to an already good reaction event. The chance to get a point would have to be less than 50% so there isn't an ever-decreasing value of points.

    Feel free to disagree with my ideas or add to them. I love this server and I'd like to see more cool features added in the future. As a note, I realize some of these re-works would take some time and fine-tuning for dadky to implement, so if it's a constraint because of developmental reasons, I understand.
  2. CDOhio

    CDOhio New Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    Another add-on that I think many players would be interested in is expansion of /pv. I am aware that at a certain point, it's easier to buy 20 pvs and store everything so you can reuse it all for an infinite amount of resets. I would suggest adding a buyable way to increase the size of your /pv--moderately. By moderately, I mean adding two more rows to my /pv, which would bring it from 45 slots to 63 slots. As a side note, even players without a donator rank should be able to buy this add-on and simply get two extra rows to their /pv. This addition to the online shop wouldn't necessarily be for the benefit of the server's players but as a more optional addition for those who want to save more building materials, valuable tools, custom items, spawners, etc. In addition, it would turn a popular gripe of players into a monetizable feature that isn't going to be detrimental to anyone who doesn't want to invest in it. An easy problem to foresee is the possibility that every reset will become increasingly saturated due to players being able to store more and more items. I believe that only those who intend to play for years and years will choose to invest in this add-on. In addition, making something $ based will keep the severity of oversaturation in check because not everyone will have access to these two extra rows of vault space.
  3. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Hello CDOhio.

    Reading through your suggestions, i truly do like the idea's of an entire rank system rework. I've been looking to implement more ideal requirements rather than just money to level up, i totally agree that this would balance the way players level rather than just gathering a bunch of money and then levelling. I believe a cool down would also be appropriate. I'm not sure if you've seen our Potato server what the way the system works really does meet standards with how much you're indulged to level because the benefits are crazy worth it. Without further or doubt i love the idea of having different numerous requirements to level and you should see this hopefully in the near future.

    I semi-disagree with the idea of having /enchant for sale; although, i would agree that /enchant is a good command to be sold to the player base, i wouldn't necessary like to see the increase of custom enchantments to sold along-side the original /enchant. Custom enchantments as it currently haven't got the greatest performance and the potential to release various custom enchantment would be an entire risk. We're currently re-working the custom enchantments system to be custom meaning we can utilise the performance rather then the features they propose. Some custom enchantments are currently under-going on our Beta Server.

    Adding different tiers to the player-vault is probably a clever marketing idea as many players in the demographic we're aiming towards would LOVE to see this be a thing in our store. The way we currently are working with player vaults, it wouldn't necessary be a great idea because of the data transfer between resets. This could be a potential idea depending on developers and @Kiri .

    Overall i love the your ideas for ranks and i'm sure to be working on a system like that in the future. Thank you for suggesting!
  4. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Update: Rank requirements should be a thing in the future. I've been working around with it a lot and seems to be working well.
  5. Alkyoni

    Alkyoni New Member

    Mar 14, 2020
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    Hello !

    I d like to do a suggestion about our valuable items we get from crates. I think of it last two days because I lost many valuable items from my pv’s ( and I say pv’s cause it happened all servers… carrot potato and beta ) they just gone... So as there is a list infront crates with the items everyone gets why not to create something like a data base and all admins , mods etc know what items every player has ? and if a bug happens again, like my issue, you all know that someone is telling the truth about those that he or she miss… you know we can t remember or we cant take screen shots of our pvs with every item…regular pvs have 2 rows and 9 slots in a row, so there is for 18 items but as in my case I had 5 x 9 = 45 slots and if someone ( like I did ) has at least 40 to 42 slots filled its impossible to remember all those items ( for me its is… ) and you can only remember some of them… So… please consider this … it would be helpful if it was a list for, if its possible…

    Thank you for your time