Thoughts? (Up For Discussion) Reduce lag, Increase server profit, more user traffic

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by null_89, May 6, 2020.

  1. null_89

    null_89 New Member

    May 1, 2020
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    - Reduce lag
    1.generally the servers lag upon sale booster activation, I would suggest that we add a different kind of sell shard, perhaps a sale stick, that allows users to right click to sell chests content, instead of breaking 400-100 chests at a time.

    -Increase Server profit
    2.For manual farming I would suggest a backpack shard or auto-sell command(for donators) would be quite practical use for the users, and could potentially increase profit as sold as a separate command; such as fly. another command to possibly consider is an auto-smelt command, removing the vote pick and implementing a auto-smelt and futher increasing server profit

    -More Vote links
    3. At the present time we have 5 links, and i don't see why we can't add 1 or more links, and produce a wider variety of rewards. perhaps some collectibles like the prismarine tool idea, but with O.P stats, difficult to acquire but well worth it.

    -Donor Ranks
    4. Right now we have APR, HERO & ULT. I feel as thought we can add ULTRA or something of the kind add as an added rank with the suggestions provided up above, I feel that everyone could benefit from these suggestion, server owner to player.
    george203 likes this.
  2. SevenSimons

    SevenSimons New Member

    Apr 30, 2020
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    I miss the auto sell feature that I have used elsewhere
  3. george203

    george203 New Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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  4. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I believe focussing on the lag and utilising the performance on all of our servers is the best thing we're trying to ultimately achieve for not only ourselves but the community. Currently I believe the lag spikes and server lag you're experiencing is caused from the way our stacking plugin functions, because players are selling more the chances of them breaking tons of chests for items is what would most likely be the reason for this and we're aware! We're currently focussing on the performance of our server and you'll love what we have planned.

    I don't essentially agree with adding more resources for features similar to other features we currently have. I like the idea of the sell-shard back back, could you potentially elaborate more on that idea?

    Other ideas including voting links seem like a potential idea. I'll see what I can do.
  5. null_89

    null_89 New Member

    May 1, 2020
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    Yeah man totally, I dont know what you guys are planning but just some ideas to throw around, a back pack shard imo, if I could pitch the idea I would say it would be like, sell shard we currently have for our chests, when we have a hopper feeding it melons. but rather since the introduction of organic crop and manual farming, I think it would be really cool that when you fill your inventory and have a "back pack shard" it behaves in the same way the chest shards do. love to hear your thoughts on this.
  6. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Honestly seems like a cool idea, maybe you can right click to go back from back-pack mode to normal mode and the use's can be used either way? that would essentially make all sell-shards useful for different activities. I'll have a discussion with the Administration and devs :)
  7. null_89

    null_89 New Member

    May 1, 2020
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    That would be pretty slick, I really like the idea of having a backpack mode to normal mode switch, I'm pretty excited to hear what comes of this !