Having /near would allow us to see who was in our claims, near our bases, or potentially people afking in our farms.
It's a command that's already in the basic Essentials plugin. I'm unsure if that's the plugin used on pf, But it's basically this. Having /near or /nearby set to a specific range ( let's say 500 blocks ) would allow players to report people in their farms/land, If they have massive amounts of land. Obviously everyone wouldn't use this, But it could be beneficial to those who want to not break the rule of building within 75 blocks of another player, or finding out who was in a location near them.
It would be amazing if we had near cause i've caught multiple people just sitting in my streams and stealing my produce.
I don't exactly agree that this would benefit players that break the rule in specific because a command like this compared to a 100x/100x farm would nearly be very inaccurate to tell. This command doesn't seem like a bad add-on since theres no resources being used, i just don't necessary see this command as a "perk" to the ultimate store package.
I mean it doesn't have to be ULT specific- Could also just be in the point shop or something for everyone to access or just give it to people for free. As Camper said above, I've also had proof of people being in my farms and stealing/dropping items, but staff cant check logs of who was standing where and at what time, so the command would make this easier to report
Bumping this thread as /near is still a relevant command, Especially with the new release of carrot's reset. Being able to use /near to figure out where players are will help find players building close to us.