Open PF Family Fued

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Kakashyeet, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. Kakashyeet

    Kakashyeet New Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Howdy! So I was just talking with Lizzy and Bubble and we thought that having a PF Family Fued event would be lots of fun! After we conversed about it for a while throwing wack ideas back and forth, Claire let me know that herself and Ryan had also had the same exact idea. I really think that it would be a great event to have fun and bring the PF community closer together than we already are :)
  2. ItsYvy

    ItsYvy Member

    Jul 24, 2020
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    First off nice trainee role B)

    Second, I think this would be a good idea, however. 1. Who's gonna be big Steve. 2. How are the players going to communicate without the other team stealing their answers. 3. If you are going to use chat, how can we be sure that the chat will not be clogged up with other players who aren't in the family feud?
  3. Kakashyeet

    Kakashyeet New Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Well, idk who exactly would be hosting the event but I think that whoever it may be must have a Steve Harvey skin just to set the mood. Also, Family Feud usually doesn't have discussions. The player must come up with the most surveyed answer to a question before the timer runs out as everyone else on their team watches in hope that they don't say something absolutely ridiculous. But I do like the idea of incorporating teamwork into it somehow, you know, changing the rules a lil bit if we could find a way. And lastly, depending on what server this will be done on I feel like there's different ways to approach that problem. I haven't been on PF long enough to witness anything on the events server, but there may be a way to easily control chat if the event is done there since there won't be other players doing their own things filling up chat. Another idea could be to add separate voice chats and muted chats for each team on the discord intended for the event and then join them when "discussion period" is over (once again, if teamwork is somehow implemented, which is a good idea to create more bonds between players) both voice chats could be merged to hear what the person's answer will be. Again, this obviously has some planning but I'm 100% sure it could all be done easily.

    Also, I didn't even notice that I was still trainee on here till you pointed it out LOL
    #3 Kakashyeet, Nov 2, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
  4. Kakashyeet

    Kakashyeet New Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Just wanted to add that I just thought of something right now in regard to how the teams could communicate. I feel like discussion could be done within a single voice chat. The people in the opposing team can deafen and mute themselves as the other team discusses, preventing the other team from hearing the discussion and/or interrupting. For players who would prefer not speaking in voice chat, I'm sure something could be thought of... Maybe 2 separate muted chats or something..? Again, I'm sure there's a way to figure all this out... For now it's just an idea :)