Have you ever needed to compress or decompress large amounts of items at once? Are you tired of accidentally spamming chat by using up arrows to redo the same /comp message? I have the solution for you /compall and /dcompall by compressing or decompressing all the items in your inv with one command it solves all your problems.
I understand how this would be useful BUT; There is already an issue with crops disappearing if you decomp too quickly /compall wouldn't really be as effective as you think since 1 inv can only get 3-4 comp items per, so I don't believe there is much need for it. the thought of having /decompall is making me cry for the tps with that many items on the ground all at once, I'm quite concerned for severe lag if you have like a full inv of comp items all decomping at once. Great suggestion though! keep em coming <3