The idea is to make the Party thing more engaging and fun. As of now party just exists, but there's nothing really exciting about being in one other than the ability to do /pc. I think having statistics for parties and/or party members will encourage players to actually be an active Party member, and therefore make Party more engaging. Example: making a leaderboard for who harvested the most crops per month, this can be a leaderboard for party members (so just a small friendly competition among a party's members) or make it server-wide (so a friendly competition between the different parties). There can be a small prize for the top1-3 (I'm thinking of small stuffs, like the rewards u get for placing #1 in fishlb). There can be other statistics too, either individual (per party member) or as a whole party (so cumulative). I personally think this will be super fun and overall just adds more into party aspect. Tell me what the rest of u think tho
I like it, I definetily feel like parties could be improved a lot therefore making the communtiy aspect more thriving but as McMMO isn't developped by the server, making tweaks to it might be a bit hard. Would love to see it though!
just have saber make their own special party plug-in instead of mcmmo, then we can force him to make this