Chest Shop - For people that want to make shops. I believe this used to be on the server so I don't see why it isn't here now. Personal Chests - I cant remember the plugin name but basically it is /pc 1-Infinite and it allows a player to have a personal chest on command, It is like /EC but with a double chest, and can have multiple of them, For donators and you could buy them in the shop individually. Thanks for reading, will update with more suggestions as they come to mind.
I like the Personal Chest, but why have chest shop? We already have /ah and if we really wanted to have a physical shop we could just build one by our base.
Personally I think Auction house is a bit of a spam mess, Where as chest shops people tend to set homes near ones they know they want to buy/sell at.
You're limited by how many items you can sell in the auction. Also, it's very difficult to navigate as it is from every player that posts sell items, so you can't find a certain thing. Instead, people like to visit physical shops that they know.. like an ice shop or a wood shop or something like that. People enjoy chestshops because it brings players together. This is something PF has tried to strive for and yet they took away one of the main things that brought this server together.
Chestshops were used commonly in large public farms before the reset. More established users would set up shops to buy crops off of newer users at a cost lower than what they could sell them for but higher than the new user could. It created an interesting labor economy, which is the biggest reason I see people requesting for them back.
Community Farms got banned. Also, most Chest Shop plugins have a feature where you can block certain items from being sold (ex. Crops). No reason why they aren't back in.
Personal vaults would be cool and would be beneficial to people who prefer to farm then to create store rooms/ physical vaults. As for chest shops yeah it would be great if they were back.
Not like anyone could know that, had to personally ask since I couldn't find a rule list (unless /rules has been changed within the last couple of days).
Rules are being changed you'll all most probably be informed on both discord and here when its finished. Community farms for a personal gain aren't allowed however making a farm for others to use to create friendships etc i believe are allowed.