Thoughts? (Up For Discussion) Fishing in spawn or tutorial drops

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by dugydugy-Evan, Jul 6, 2019.


Would you want this added?

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  1. dugydugy-Evan

    dugydugy-Evan New Member

    May 27, 2019
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    As of right now we only have 2 tags and fish that can be sold, once you have both tags the need for fishing isn't much for prestige level players when they don't need the 5 point reward for winning 1st in comps.

    What would be a nice added feature-- Having a "Whale" tag because only herobrine knows how many times your Epic Tuna gets wiped out due to a 600cm Pigmy Whale. But besides the hefty price value on it there isn't much unless your planning on eating it.

    What would also be nice-- Having more random drops while fishing, catching a Magikarp or BreadFish might be a cool surprise the first time, the Pie drop on the other hand is something that whenever I get it I spit on it and give it to Jerry the sheep or throw it back in the water for it hopefully gets eaten by satan where it belongs.

    Add on to what would also be nice-- Having legendary tools and armor drops, I think this would help with how fishing becomes obsolete after you have a good farm going and vote daily.

    Legendary tool/armor ideas-- Now what would be more special than instead of getting a new tag getting a tool or armor that has bonuses.. Sets of armor (single parts) might be able to have a randomized particle effect having some rarer than others while a full set might have its own Super cool and special aspects and bonus like running hecka fast or being able to teleport without enderperls, Some might be common particles like water droplets or the waves fish make while they go towards your rod, and then rare particles like bubbles or splashes... the rarest being legendary particles that might look like the colors flying out or something that someone would go "holy moly ill pay 40mil+ for that"

    different tools could have the benefit of swimming faster or walking on water, pickaxes could mine faster while in water or give extra XP while mining in oceans. What I think the most sawed after item I would want added would be "Poseidon's Trident" which could summon rain and clear the weather of the holder. Maybe it could also have the benefit of being able to summon lightning bolts? who knows.

    Swords axes and shovels might be able to have a cool name tag and a good efficiency value or being able to have bonuses of Extra XP or fortune.

    --Some ideas posted below--


    -Dragons Breathe, maybe a rare


    -Enchantment table effect, maybe a common

    Unknown-2.jpeg Unknown-1.jpeg

    -Randomized color scheme ( not as big as the one on the left) Maybe a Legendary effect


    -Music effects (also randomized color scheme) Maybe a common


    -Confetti effect, maybe a Rare

    Attached Files:

    #1 dugydugy-Evan, Jul 6, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Are u saying u poisoned my sheep
    Wqffles likes this.
  3. barcode

    barcode Member

    May 6, 2019
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    Mcmmo fishing already drops enchanted armor/tools.

    The tags have a .05% chance to drop both and you can always sell them for profit. Also points sell for like 20k-35k each so i mean. anything isnt really "needed" but they make profit.
  4. dugydugy-Evan

    dugydugy-Evan New Member

    May 27, 2019
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    no he threw it up but he seems ok now
  5. dugydugy-Evan

    dugydugy-Evan New Member

    May 27, 2019
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    (1.) I mean OP enchants that have special abilities, not sure if this is what you meant though

    (2.) They aren't needed nor did I say they were, they are just something that I wouldn't mind seeing more of in the chance of them being added in a future update
  6. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I like this idea. Expect to see it soon :oops: