Resolved Reset only the world/Reset the world and all player data/Other

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by Zortorch, Jan 2, 2018.

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  1. Zortorch

    Zortorch New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    My choice is "Other": Keep it as is, no need for change.

    Owner wrote in this new website that he is focused on polishing the server to make it enjoyable for current players.

    I for one, do not see the need for any kind of reset yet. There is a ton of things still to do currently with the quest and ranks that many old players had not even achieve. I am currently ENJOYING the server as it is and i have been playing for more than half a year on the server and wants it to stay as is.

    I am usually around on the old website unlogged just for voting links and to see what others post in the forums and such and only reason i came on here to post is solely to express how much I DO NOT want a reset of any kind.

    Most people I have seen asking for a reset are new players who have only joined the server recently facing territorial issues with others or want a more even playing field with older players and such. In my opinion, if you want a reset, it should not be for these reasons. If there is no issue with the current system, why reset it? IMO, reset should only be done when there is an error/issue/problem that cant be fixed (technically) or space is running out.

    I have also seen some players who had more playtime hours in game expressing how they do not want a reset and they like how things are at the moment. Of course there may be old players who wants a reset and new players who doesn't.

    My purpose in the server other than the quest, collecting items and making friends had been to grind items to sell to the general public. I have a 4-storey high building selling over 150 items, which I am slowly expanding, that i come on everyday to grind for. The reset will nullify my efforts and the hours spent on them and I do not want that.

    That is all I have to say on here for now. Once again, I am not in favor for a reset of any sort.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a nice day :)

    #1 Zortorch, Jan 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
    DinoMonkey1001 likes this.
  2. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I can see your point here. However, never resetting the server will cause players to leave as there is nothing to do.
  3. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    This would be a good idea. There's multiple ways round if someone wants to be reset.
    If they want to reset their land (and farms): they can relocate, delete their home, or blow up their farm, etc.
    If they want their rank to be reset: they could easily reset their money with /withdraw <amount> and then throwing that money into lava. They could then ask a staff member to edit their rank to "Default". Even better, there could be a sign somewhere to reset your rank/bal if you reach [GrowTitan+++], as this is the highest rank.
    If they want someone else's farms to be reset: that's rude. It's like saying: "Hey, guys, this guy's farm should be destroyed ASAP because why not!"

    I'm sure there's a way round any of these kind of things.
    Zortorch likes this.
  4. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Yes, there would be other things to do. First, as I said in my previous post, they could have their things reset.
    Also, they could build a community farm, they could create a town where people can rent farms, or they could simply work their way up to a trillion cash. Also, I'm 99% sure that no-one has got to [GrowTitan+++] yet, so everyone must have something to do.
    Zortorch likes this.
  5. Zortorch

    Zortorch New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I'm not saying to never reset. But there must be a valid reason for a reset, such as a technical one. People come and go whether there is things to do or not. If you run out of things to do, make new content for yourself. It is a sandbox game, the game is as fun as you make it out to be. The current spawn is not even complete and I am sure many has not completed all the quests at spawn and volcano and such. I know because I always see people in chat asking to do raids at volcano, fight the worldboss, lex etc. I have not even gone to the island with the special ticket thingy.

    Personally, I set goals and aims personally in any game I play so as not to get bored. If i do get bored i make a mini side goal to keep things interesting.

    However if a reset is decided, then i respect the decision as well. But i have a suggestion for the reset if it do come. Reset them not all at the same time. Perhaps one world at a time, with like a day or two inbetween resets so people can transfer stuff they wanna keep that they cannot hold in their inventory or enderchest. Ie reset nether, people can grab everything from end/overworld and store in nether, reset overworld, grab item from other world into overworld etc

  6. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Creating a new farm on a fresh reset server, adds more of a competitive edge to those who want to rankup. I currently have enough money to rankup but I choose not to as there is no reason to at this moment in time, which I assume is the case for a lot of the richer people in the community.

    As for working your way up to a trillion cash, for new players this would be pretty unfair. Further supporting my point about the difference between the new and the old players.

    Imagine coming onto a server being like "my aim is to be one of the richest" and finding that some people have a trillion cash advantage. Yes they have occurred that overtime, but I remember joining PF back in 1.0 wanting to be the richest and some peoples balance advantage made that nearly impossible.
  7. Zortorch

    Zortorch New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    It is not unfair. It is like stepping out of college and entering into the corporate world wanting to be a CEO and realizing there is already a ton of CEO out there and you are starting out as just a minimum wage worker. I know its not fair comparing real world to the server XD but my point is that it is not impossible or unfair.

    I joined only mid last year and I am now a prestige+++ in rank and at /balancetop 1. Being richest was never my goal on the server. So if your goal is to be the richest it can be possible, especially since I dont see the top few players online that much anymore due to IRL stuffs and things.

  8. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Hey Ho! First of all i'd like to welcome you to our new website, i hope you start to enjoy it here, vote links will be available shortly :)

    First of all i'd like to let you know what a reset is, what it is going to brings forward for the server and how it will all end.
    What a reset is: a place where you can decide to restart, set again or change to difference.
    What having this upcoming reset could bring forward: This reset could bring more then many possibilities, its a fresh-start for the server, the servers map has been ongoing for an upcoming year now which is usually our reset time area. Storage gets full, major server lag starts to encounter, many players get stressed from /warp wild destroyed builds etc. It gives us more chances to expand in and reduce flaws we had in the past.
    How it will all end: Once the servers map ( not including ranks or balance ) have been reset and everything has completely passed through successfully, there wont be so much server lag, there will be bigger and better builds, less grief or broken down builds at /warp wild and hopefully a start to a new race or community farm.

    My opinion: Understandably resets will occur every year no matter how or why it happens, it will happen ( This is not official nor has it been spoken about ) the server can just not take as much as it does when you reset, I guarantee you that any server you play on there will be a reset if not in a year then less, Sure there are servers that pay tons for the servers storage but we aren't doing that well in the shop. A reset would bring forward many of my wants i.e a fresh start etc, The fact it'll reduce the server lag a hella ton, i'm all for it however i do understand everybody else's feelings.

    What will not happen: I saw your worries about spawn being removed, i can ensure that the spawn will not be deleted but only get better in itself, quests will be down for a while however users wont have a chance to miss out on the great fun everybody has had since July from our spawn.

    What is likely to happen: A reset will come in strong without a rank reset.
    Where you can vote: (clickhere)

    jacob and Harry like this.
  9. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    TBH, I would like ranks to be reset, since if you reset the map, why not reset the ranks as well? If I have all my structures reset, I'd at least want the other things gone too.
    Alexis L Cheng likes this.
  10. Zortorch

    Zortorch New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    A reset doesn't need to happen for this.

    You mentioned in another thread that there is still space.

    Can we speak and official-ized it then?

    Doesn't matter if the entire world is wiped. Not gonna spend the time to grind all the stuff again.

  11. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    A reset will encounter sooner or later, i myself cannot officialise it as i do-not own the server but yes storage space does fill up, yes there is space left but that doesn't stop other reasons for the reset to happen i.e server lag, im sure you've heard plenty complain about that. A fresh-start as-well cannot be avoided if we're willing to help the server grow and reduce its flaws. The spawn part was because you mentioned them not being able to experience the same.
    Harry likes this.
  12. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Closing this suggestion as it's outdated.
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