YouTube Rank

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by MangySage, Jan 3, 2018.


Should the YouTube Rank Be Implemented?

  1. Yes

    15 vote(s)
  2. No

    9 vote(s)
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  1. MangySage

    MangySage New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Suggestion: I believe that there should be an official YouTube rank for the Peaceful Farms server.
    The implementation of the YouTube rank would be beneficial to both the server and those who choose to make content for it.

    Requirements: If implemented, those who have the YouTube rank must have at least 100 subscribers, make at least 3 videos on the server per month, and have good behavior in chat along with other factors.

    Perks Provided: The YouTube rank, if added, should provide the [YouTube] tag and perks such as /fly that allow for the ability to showcase the server efficiently and effectively. In addition, the perks would make those who provide aid for the server through the form of YouTube videos have an opportunity to be recognized formally.

    The Rank's Importance: Although the rank was previously contested by staff and players, the rank has its benefits. Those who obtain the YouTube rank will have the ability to: catalyze the essential growth and prevalence of the server, create an engaged player base, and act as a medium for announcements aside from Discord and the forums. In previous versions, the rank failed due to it having very little requirements; As a result, almost anyone who simply wanted the perks could easily obtain and abuse the rank. Since the last implementation of the rank, the idea of a YouTube rank has been completely disregarded. Under new management, I believe that it is worth reconsidering this vital rank.

    Conclusion: As a long time member of Peaceful Farms, and one that has previously done a YouTube series on the server, I genuinely believe that the rank will allow for great opportunities. Although it may seem that this suggestion is biased and done for my sake, those who play on Peaceful Farms now, or may join in the future will reap the benefits. If the rank is not implemented, I appreciate all of the consideration given towards the decision.

    If there are any discrepancies in this concept, feel free to discuss solutions. My suggestion is open for negotiation.

    Thank you,
    Jar and jacob like this.
  2. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Sounds good. Maybe 75 subs though? But there could maybe also be a rule that if you lose the YT rank twice, then you can't have it a third time. So if you fail to create the 3 videos 2 months, then that would be your last chance at having the rank.
  3. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I like this idea however i also have mixed thoughts on and some i am also against.

    Things i'd keep the same:
    - " provide the [YouTube] tag and perks such as /fly that allow for the ability to showcase the server efficiently and effectively. In addition, the perks would make those who provide aid for the server through the form of YouTube videos have an opportunity to be recognised formally. "
    - " make at least 3 videos on the server per month, and have good behaviour in chat along with other factors. "
    Things that i'd be changed from your suggestion:
    - " If implemented, those who have the YouTube rank must have at least 100 subscribers "
    Things that i would add:
    - Exclusive news to upcoming updates& events.
    - Ability to host events and set up parties.
    - Perks from donor ranks
    - Ability to lose the rank.
    (Any other suggestions feel free to include and if i see it fit i'll add to this)
    Why i would change/ add this?:
    My meaning for changing the 100 subscribers count is mainly because it can be abused, moving the count up will lessen this and also mean more advertisement for the server, current subscribers aren't really there to join the server you're playing at that many. There are tons of people that can gain a fake amount subscribers in-order to get this rank just for the abilities, it'll lower how much people buy things in our buy craft store which could lead to a big issue, we all know that the community shares its secrets on peaceful farms. I'd suggest removing the 100 subscriber count and up it to at-least 500.

    The reasoning for me adding " Exclusive news etc, Ability to host-events etc, perks to donor ranks " is because i feel if you're a youtuber and you're providing us with advertising for FREE then you should at least be given something in advance, i feel this flaw in this suggestion will probably be its too easy however instead of struggling to gain these features to provide its views with great content, the events and upcoming updates will mostly make its views feel like they're missing out on something so they decide to come check it out for themselves.

    As i mentioned in the first paragraph for this section the players can abuse the rank, losing subscribers could mean a big thing also. more rules should be set and if broken you'll lose the rank and wont be given the ability to get it back unless we see fit.

    @DinoMonkey1001 I'm going to disagree with that post, i feel you shouldn't be able to gain it more then ONCE let lone having it three times. 75 is a really low count aswell.

    Harry likes this.
  4. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I fully agree with what Kyle has said here. Kyle has made many good points and I agree that the sub count should be higher than 100.
  5. MangySage

    MangySage New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    In regards to the posts about raising the required Subscriber Count.

    The subscriber count required should stay at 100 subscribers. In determining if one should be granted the YouTube rank, one's subscriber count should not be the only factor involved. The flaw provided by relying solely on one's subscriber count is that it simply fails to express how well one advertises the server or how well put together their content is. Instead of the requirement for the rank being reliant only on one's subscriber count, the quality of videos and the average views gained per videos should be taken into consideration as well. In a situation in which one purchases subscribers, the lack of views and engagement on their videos would be blatantly evident. An additional reason for keeping the minimum subscriber count at 100 is that for the current size of the Peaceful Farms community, a channel of that size could easily have a great impact on the server. Consider the following scenario, a channel of 100 subscribers which gains 45 legitimate views on their first Peaceful Farms video can easily attract about 1/5th of that videos viewership to join the server. If on the low end, 5 out of those 9 players continue to be active on the server, that can be monumental. At the server's current state, the average player count at any given moment in time is approximately 9-17. If the previous scenario is taken into account, that YouTuber could have an incredible impact on the community. Additionally, if you were to worry that the influx of YouTube ranks would lower BuyCraft sales, there is now more players that could possibly purchase from the shop. In summary, if the YouTube rank is implemented, the requirements should be 100 subscribers, well put together content, a strong average view count, and audience engagement. Aforementioned, this rank can and will provide great opportunity for the server if implemented correctly.
    ZachTGD and Jar like this.
  6. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I guess my post was not informative enough, I still do-not agree with it being at 100 subscribers, raise it and you'll have a possibility in my opinion. I wasn't solely putting my eyes on the subscriber count, i was giving my views to how players could abuse it and yes its possible. You're wrong with your playercount, its gone up to 11-20 at average. I wouldn't say 100 subscribers is a low count, im basing it off how much it'll be seen around also. I will say that i do agree with you when video editing, quality gets into consideration for this, Something i'd keep my eye on.
  7. Jar

    Jar New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I do think that we should add a [YT] rank. I feel 3 videos per month and 100 subscribers would fit PF's size pretty nicely. We may have to increase the requirements in the future, but I do agree with Mangy.
  8. ZachTGD

    ZachTGD New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I joined the forums to respond to this:
    The [Youtube] rank should be a thing. It would provide advertising to the server. However, I do not agree with the number of videos per month.
    3 PF videos per month sounds good on paper, but it could be extremely difficult to put into effect. If you want to make other content that your viewers have enjoyed while making 3 PF videos per month, it could produce burnout for the creator and viewer. Editing the amount of PF footage you may accumulate over about a week while editing other projects could be a nightmare. I think the requirements for videos should be lowered down to two. That way, you could work on a PF video one week, and the next you could work on other projects.

    I also think the sub count shouldn't be over 200 subs. Keep it around the 100-150 mark as I don't think anybody is going to get 500 subscribers just doing PF videos.
    Jar likes this.
  9. Puggie616

    Puggie616 New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I'd love to record this server! and I'd say 175 subscribers to become a youtuber maybe even 200 although if it is 100-200+ I have a lot of climbing to do as I only have 68 subscribers
  10. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    I'll leave this up to @Aury to decide
  11. Aury

    Aury Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I will be looking at implementing a Youtube rank with the help of Kyle.
    ZachTGD and Ky like this.
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