things iv noticed

Discussion in 'General' started by saiakesani, Dec 7, 2019.

  1. saiakesani

    saiakesani New Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    so iv been on pf since the 20th of october and honestly this server economical inflation makes it really hard for people to get farther or even catch up to other players now in this i will not be mentioning names, nor dose this come from a place of hate or discomfort but i think it should be said, auto farms have ruined the economy of this server and if you actually are struggling some will even tell you (and have told me recently) that "if you have a problem with it go to another server to play on" and honestly that in my book is NOT ok it discourages other players to put effort in even though the sheer broken value of some things on the server make it difficult for some to even do any thing to make money aside from the obvious farming, i personally am not a big farming person but i do like to have a way to make good money enough to stay up with other players

    baltop, again no names and i have made some amazing friends on here who have helped me out alot but at the same time i can't help but think how different things would be without auto farming would the server survive? maybe not but who knows but maybe limit it? either way i get it auto farming is just part of minecraft and honestly i just want a more even playing field among other players
  2. Koro

    Koro Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I agree auto farms can ruin the server econ though, the biggest problem I have with this is people saying go somewhere else if you don't like auto farms, I've never heard someone say that before and if someone is saying it, it's most likely a lower level player, none of the regular players would be rude enough to say that. The thing with auto farms is it isn't only x and I using it (we're baltop 1 and 2), soooooo many players have auto farms, they just aren't making them big. The goal I have is to have the biggest farm and thats why I have baltop 2, a lot of the auto farms people show me they say theyre contempt with the pace they're at now, a lot of people aren't solely going for p4 alone or see baltop as the main goal.

    When it comes to baltop, Goku is on their as well and he only has a carrot farm which is safe to say, in this case, it is rather balanced, as long as you put time into what you're doing and in this case, 3 of us have spent a lot of time doing, you can make a lot of money, regardless if you have an auto farm.

    When it comes to people catching up, there obviously gonna be a bias with that since people join later. Though, there is never a time when a new person join and I offer to show them my farm and they go 'oh ok so ill never be able to beat this' and stop trying, they'll always go wow, this is great, and get excited. When you show the new people how big peoples farms are and creative, it motivates them to go big as well, rather than just have layer after layer of carrots. And if people struggle with autofarms, a lot of people who do know how to make auto farms will help them out. I know krysiu, empty and I have made small outlines and structures for people who ask.

    Moreover, are auto farms a problem? Yes they can be, lag wise, but economy wise? I say no, with the nerf of melon, things have definitely been controlled. As well as some of the p4's are planning to give money away for christmas so the money we massively make will be going back to the server, we've learned from carrot and aren't going to break the econ, instead I (hopefully the others too) am going to give back. It all comes down to hard work, if people really wanna be baltop, they'll work for it.

    - Koro
    krysiu, Ky, Pnia and 2 others like this.
  3. Oli_The_Pug

    Oli_The_Pug Member

    May 19, 2018
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    wink wink hi koro ;)
  4. barcode

    barcode Member

    May 6, 2019
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    Honestly I can see everything you're talking about. I feel like AutoFarms shouldnt have been allowed on potato at all. Potato's only been open for barely 4 months and theres already billionaires. It's going to end up getting boring and the inflation will raise because now nobody wants to sell things "cheap". It's going to be just as bad as carrot prices are and I'm calling it now lol
    saiakesani likes this.
  5. saiakesani

    saiakesani New Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    i will admit that if you know specifically what you want to know how to properly do there is always help from carrot vet's but for those like my self i never enjoy asking for help but i have got a tremendous amount of help from empty karma ryan ruryru mistah and shoot a number of players but being told to go to another server net it just discourages players to not even put the effort into the server

    as far as the economy you might be right learning from past mistakes has been noticed as i hear stories of other past issues that people have taken different approaches to prevent said issues
  6. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I see both sides of the stories. Automated farms are forever going to be something that the Minecraft community will fight over regardless of it creating profit on economy based servers. Automated farms are so cool in their own ways, players/people put so much creativity in which way it might work, how fast they can build them, how many or even how compact. Automated farms in the creativity sense is amazing; however, automated farms on Peaceful Farms has been a issue in a lag sense for years. No, it's not down to the players you have directly tried not to mention, it's about how the server is wanting the players to play or feel in the survival environment. Myself, Kiri and the entire staff team have gone over ideas, worked with player feedback and/ even now are going to start working on ideas that we believe will save these potential fights within the Peaceful Farms community.

    My question is, do you think Peaceful Farms could live without automated farms and not go without any repercussion(?)
    Pnia and saiakesani like this.
  7. saiakesani

    saiakesani New Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    well honestly it could but its more like a race at this point when i sit down and think about it iv talked with a few people about this and honestly your right on both accounts it is about who makes them better or how they are integrated into a build even as well as how productive it turns out
  8. Koro

    Koro Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I think there would deff be some repercussions to banning auto farms though, limiting them might be the way to go. I know a lot of people said they would quit if autofarms were banned which is understandable, to a lot of people who are higher ranking, say p2+, having to harvest 212 mills worth of crops to rankup can take a very long time (which is good since people get to p4 within 4 months) though it can hurt peoples hands and get boring. I for one dislike manual harvesting in long stretches cus my hands easily hurt.

    Though when it comes to game play wise, even back on PF 1.0, manual farming wasn't the only thing ezorb had who was the max rank, he had a big auto cactus to help him make his money which soon lead into the profit shop market. If people are just solely manual harvesting they could get bored fast. Though, with profit shops, it made it more fun to do the manual harvesting because the return for those selling was so large.

    I think the solution would be to allow profit shops again as well as auto farms. The way I see it is, a lot of people have carrot farms as thats the best way to make a source of income in the manual farm wise. If people can have others harvest their carrots for them and have both people gain from that, I think it could be more effective than a massive auto farm would be and would take some of the traction away from massive auto farms. Though some people could do both, a auto farm under a profit shop area, it would minimalism how big the auto farm is due to peoples computers not being able to handle a lot of redstone and such. Especially with the decrease in melon prices, I think profit shops would work a lot better in the potato climate, same with carrot if melon prices were dropped as well.

    To note on carrot too, when I go on usually theres no one above p2, so I feel like profit shops in the sense talked about above would work well in getting people into hiring ranks. It also encourage people that main potato to go on carrot more as if they have a profit shop there, they spend time emptying it and building it more up.

    I've heard Ky joke about profit shops being allowed again but, I think it might work if implemented properly. Just my thoughts quickly.

    saiakesani likes this.
  9. StevenL

    StevenL New Member

    May 9, 2019
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    Something that came to my mind as I was reading this thread is we could possible implement a slight change that would help balance out auto farms, please note this may be a more drastic solution to the issue and would take a lot of tweaking to get right.

    My thought is to basically record which crop a player sells the most and put an increasing price reduction on that item. This price reduction could then start "wearing off" as time passes. For example say someone sells one million melon slices, by the time they are done selling that one million the price would be reduced by 25% and if they sell another million slices the price would hit 50% of its original and over the next 24 hours the price would slowly return to normal but any sales within that time frame will start to increase the percentage again.

    Something that might help the possibility of players just joining to sell stuff would be to have the prices return to normal quicker when they sell another product. This policy of a price decrease could also only be enforced on items that are able to be automated and the restoration could be more effective if they sell products that are not able to be automated.
    saiakesani likes this.
  10. saiakesani

    saiakesani New Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    i would say that limiting them is the best route as well i dont want them all together gone but deffinatly nerfed a tiny bit
  11. saiakesani

    saiakesani New Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    it would definitely help with the economy's inflation issue
  12. _x__

    _x__ New Member

    Jan 25, 2019
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    Since this post appears to be directed at/towards me let me weigh in.

    I'm actually in shock that this post came out considering our conversations saia.

    Lets look at the facts.
    a) whether you have auto farms or not p4 was obtained just as fast with manual farms
    b) whether you limit the auto farms or not you'll still have billionaires, and you'll still be where you're at because like you said "i hate farming, i hate building farms, i hate economy"
    c) The economy isn't ruined! i would like to point out all the tools / items and pets / disquises are all the same price as to prior to waffles first p4.
    c.2) you dont see me jacking up the prices of tools or items i need, i stay within 10% up or down for items i see listed
    c.3) As you rank up in prestige the money per crop goes up - That's largely the reason alot of us are near or past 1billion.
    d) The people who are in p4 put in the time, they dont log on 1-2 hours a day (you can't expect to compete with someone who's on 12-18hours.)
    e) instead of complaining come up with solutions
    e.2) For instance, here is a suggestion: Add more job related incomes - example add the jobs plugin, where builders like yourself will gain money based on the number of blocks you place.

    This comes down to the fact, that no matter what would of been done there would be people who struggle, and those that do not - as 1 of the people who currently do not struggle, i can say i've put in my time, and deserve to be where i'm at! Might i remind you.. I spent my first day manual farming and i made it to p2 day 1 without any help. You've been playing since october 20th, you have no farm manual or auto, and you've not made p2.

    I've offered my expertise, i've offered my time, and i know several others have in the past. (not just to you)

    To be fair i had a similar argument to ky based off of old carrot server! jojo was in the lead by a considerable amount. I said it wasn't fair because he stacked multipliers and he could never be reached without allowing of stacking multipliers.. I proved myself wrong, so did CBA and Luke!

    Put in the time / effort / and ask for help and you can do it.

    - X
    krysiu, Koro and playgamingnation like this.
  13. playgamingnation

    playgamingnation New Member

    May 21, 2019
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    This post however ridiculous is also necessary, because it shines a light on what people believe versus actual fact. Empty aka _X__ isn't ruining the server economy with his high balance, but in fact people like me who run prices down to the dirt (iron) who contribute to economy failure. That being said, if you spent as much time building a farm, or collecting resources, or doing jobs for people as you do contributing to negative / unnecessary criticism - You'd be p5 already. By saying that you envy empty's farm, and then in the next breath contradict yourself you only hinder your credibility and the community you "cherish".
  14. saiakesani

    saiakesani New Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    comments marked in "()" and "[]"
  15. Koro

    Koro Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Some of the points X has brought up, regardless if you didn't call him out, its partially about those who are P4 and on baltop. Theres nothing the staff can do about people spending hours upon hours farming every single day, they are bound to get rich and you can't blame that on autofarms or anything. If they are taking the time out of their day every day to do this massive amount of work, it makes sense they are going to be rich. The only solution to not being able to play as much is use your time wisely and farm as much as possible. I don't know what else there is to be said.
    krysiu likes this.
  16. saiakesani

    saiakesani New Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    i agree im not calling anyone out here just making a post about how inflated things are in general people are ALWAYS going to put time into farms thats the point of farms, and i was not calling out X i was making a post on the base premise of how unbound auto famrs have become
  17. saiakesani

    saiakesani New Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    playgaming and X your both making a huge deal of this even though i made this post days befor me and x's last chat where i apperently was "calling him out" when in fact i was clarifying my self to him due to a misunderstanding of things so if you really want to sit there and bash on me for voicing my opinions well then do it some where else and stop shifting this into something it clearly was not meant to be!
  18. Grace806

    Grace806 New Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Oh yes absolutely!
  19. krysiu

    krysiu New Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    Even tho I'm kinda late for this i feel like I also should say something since its also in a way about/regarding me. As someone that is a p4 and currently #3 on baltop i can't stress this enough how i disagree with this post. I might be rather new to PF since i joined this community in august this year but in my view potato server was very well set up for new economy and even now few months after its release its still in no way affected/inflated by just few players that actualy spend their time to build big farms, be that manual or auto.

    1. Granted I can speak mostly for myself but i realy doubt any of p4 baltop players have inflated the economy in anyway. If anything we are the ones offering higher pays for people willing to help us with work on our farms. I dont see any of p4 players actually dumping their big /bal into the economy and inflating the prices be that of materials of tools, for example making a tool that goes for few mil go for 30-40m. And as far as I'm aware most prices are still more or less the same with slight changes here and there.

    2. I might be alone in this but i actually got to p4 mostly with my manual carrot farm, prob 80% if not more of money i made on the server so far was made from carrots. Only now I'm starting to build autofarms after getting to p4 and i can tell you this-its much harder to build a decent profitable auto farm then your post makes it seem. That is why only few people on the server have great and masive auto farms that bring them so much money, that and time they spend on them. Now if i got p4 from mostly farming carrots does it mean that carrots are breaking the economy and they should be banned/nerfed? Obviously no, and same goes for all auto farms, now we can ask why? And the anwser is rather simple and probably most players that play on potato for a while will know that all farms are more or less balanced and no matter which one you choose you will need to spend a lot of time, money and resources to earn big bucks. All auto farms have its pros and cons and in contrary to carrot's melon farm there isnt just one farm that will make you rich on potato.
    Koro likes this.