Not Planned Auto-farm, etc. tutorials

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by frendito_burrito, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. frendito_burrito

    frendito_burrito New Member

    Jul 30, 2019
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    I'd love to see warp(s) set up that explain how to create autofarms, storage systems, and anything else people struggle with. I know there's been some complaints that autofarms aren't fair/balanced, and this would help.

    There are many helpful people on the server, but people get busy, aren't always on, etc. Relying on them to teach newer players isn't a great solution. Looking around others' farms is also helpful, but it's easy to miss details and at times hard to understand how it fits together, how redstone works, etc. So I think a tutorial space with signs and showing individual parts seperately (for visibility) as well as how they function together would be helpful. I know there are tutorial videos out there, but nothing beats hands on!

    I'm sure many players would happily help build something along these lines. I know I would, especially if materials would be provided.
    Pnia likes this.
  2. nightmurder01

    nightmurder01 New Member

    May 9, 2019
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    There was one on carrot. I may have it saved
  3. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Thank you for your suggestion. We try to organise the way things so you're able to reach solutions to any needs you may have.

    What you're referring too is already a thing; however, just isn't on our online servers. You can find guides OR create your own for others to see and comment on. Please click here to review any guides currently available that suits your needs or wants.
  4. InfamousDot

    InfamousDot New Member

    Feb 12, 2020
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    On Carrot, Coast has player warps that have builds in them to help. It's called Coast School
  5. Koro

    Koro Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I've been in the process of making a video that explains and shows the different type of auto farms due to request by many people after seeing my farm. I'll most likely be filming it next week, Tuesday sometime, and post it in offtopic in the discord once done.

    Though as Ky said, there is a lot of guides online, specifically YouTube, where I got some of my ideas from and made them to fit the server. I'd say start by searching 'Minecraft (crop) auto farm 1.13.2' and you'll most likely find something that you can make - though, I would say stay away from the ilmango designs (think thats his name), they work well, but for more of a survival gameplay rather than farming economy.
    krysiu likes this.