New Peaceful Farm Shop Version 3.0

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by Zortorch, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. KingClark

    KingClark New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I agree with Zortorch because i was planning on building an animal farm and now that is only in my dreams.
    Zortorch likes this.
  2. Bioheat1969

    Bioheat1969 Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I'd like to take a look at it some time if you don't mind , I've been trying to get mine working for some time now, and information like levels where they work could be useful
  3. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    There are multiple ways to earn points in game, from voting 6 times, doing the daily quest, having a chance to win them in our daily reward ( that is literally free every 24hours )

    Eggs were moved for the simple reason of them being accessible in multiple places, i preferred to make space in /shop for other things than the eggs shop taking up space when it wasn't really used. Yes, you're correct the reaction crate can be unreliable when it comes to picking the egg you want, however, i disagree that the way it is isn't fun hence why is there also an option to purchase them with points which can be obtained multiple ways, what are you going to do with more then 8+ eggs ( Possibly ) a day when a that is more then the max spawners you an possibly get in a day? sure some people don't want even want them for spawners however it is still one of the only reasons the spawn eggs were brought forward in the first place.

    Spawn eggs that were removed i'll re-add them, slimes won't be coming as they're kinda pointless as Katie has mentioned, i'll also be reasonable and make it so 2 eggs are given instead of 1 per point. This should come out later today with the little shop update.

    Thank you for suggesting!
    Yours sincerely, Manager b0ii.
    Aury and NathanHalo11 like this.