So on the Beta server, In the /prices GUI there's a list of varying new 1.15 crops and new prices, as well as a thing where the crop of the day changes, and that crop yields more money. While I do like that idea, Please read ahead for my suggestion. Today's crop example, is netherwarts. If netherwarts were selling for $10 per and the normal price was $5 per, anyone with a netherwart farm could make a MASSIVE amount of money during that day. What I'm suggesting, is that to go alongside "Organic" produce, we also impliment Wilted Produce. Wilted Produce would be what an item is called, after it's left in a chest/sitting for more than 1 day. This only applies to items left in storages, and would make the item sell for less. So going back to my netherwart example, a Wilted Produce Netherwart would still sell, but only for $2.5 each. This suggestion would benefit players by encouraging non-auto farms due to Wilted Produce affecting items in storage, and it would also benefit players who have varying farms. They could make varying farms to get the boosted money of the day, and not get any Wilted Produce. Thanks for reading my suggestion!
Personally, I think this is a good idea but I feel the wilted produce should be the non-markup price ignoring the daily "sale" or sold for "silage". Ideally, the price of crops would go down the more you sell with each rank having a larger threshold like Supply and Quantity supplied. As you increase the supply it becomes cheaper making people sell crops over a period of time to get the best price. Irl farmers use grain bins to store their grain so they can sell when the demand is higher, therefore, a better price.
Ideally, I don't necessary agree that this idea should be implemented and here's why: 1. I don't necessary believe that produce should be entirely deceased to a value that isn't worth being sold. The prices for auto-farm items were highly decreased and still has potential to continuously be changed. Feel free to suggest different ways limited to the resources we currently have. 2. This idea doesn't necessary seem like a worth of efforts if the changes aren't necessary beneficial to the community. I don't believe produce that is worth lower is a benefit, it seems more like a downer. Also take note that all current prices you see on the beta server are intentionally increased due to the pace of bug testing. Before we introduce new price listings for the carrot update there will be numerous changes and differences. Thank you for suggesting. I'll keep this post open for others to discuss