Howdy! Vote here! Qrass for President! (Mod)

Discussion in 'General' started by nickslick8, Apr 27, 2018.


Qrass for Mod? (president owner and president means promote to mod, niether means dont promote him)

Poll closed Nov 27, 2018.
  1. Mod

  2. Owner

    0 vote(s)
  3. President

  4. Niether

    0 vote(s)
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  1. nickslick8

    nickslick8 New Member

    Jan 13, 2018
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    Howdy y'all! Long time no see. Its been a while since i have been on PF and I wish I would be on more because the community is just great! If I had a problem, I could ask anyone at any given moment and they would do anything in their power to help. Let me get to the point. I have just been on the past couple days i guess, I have been on the same time as qrass (grass) and he is one of the best Trainees I have seen. Want reasoning and facts? Ok here are some: Qrass had been super active and he mingles with all the members on and he's super polite and peppy. It's always nice to have someone with a great attitude welcome you every time you get on the server, and it's also always nice to have someone to talk to. He is super nice and polite, and he enforces the rules more than anything. I have literally been on, just now, for less than 5-6 minutes and he has informed me on two rules such as how far I can go with cussing and what I can and can't do. I asked him about what I can and can't do and he didnt wait to respond. He helps everyone out. He helped people with their lag and tried to help with their fps. Most of all, he's super generous. Just now, he gave away lapis blocks and he would do that anytime, no matter who you were! Qrass is there to make a difference on PF. I'd put a ULT rank and 50k claim blocks on the table that he asks himself every day, what can i do to help, what can i do to make this community better, and what am I here to do. Qrass loves his job, and if you knew him like I do (an hour or so lol), you would know he loves what he does for this community! Qrass or PResident!!!! Oh wait.. it's Mod? huh. PreSidEnt is better. Qrass for MOD! I will strongly disagree if u think otherwise.
  2. qrass

    qrass New Member

    Apr 6, 2018
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    I really don't know what to say other than I've only been a Trainee for a week+ so I'm not too sure about the rush in Mod but thank you for the kind words, it really made my day! :rolleyes:

    (Not sure about president either, country will probably perish within minutes :p)
  3. venomturtle

    venomturtle New Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    aha gg qrass. Qrass for president!
  4. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Promotion is not public vote basis. Also, don't make a new account to make a reply to your own thread.
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