Make ultimate worth it?

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by JeeD, Apr 28, 2018.

  1. JeeD

    JeeD New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    tbh having to vote for things its cool for people without a rank but when i buy a rank for $50 i want to have all the perms as in silk touch spawners, /nick, /disguises and /speed why are these things behind a vote wall after i have the top rank. seems like you just want people to vote you could still have them on there but if im top rank i kinda expect to get them at least. Lets be real the kits on the server are pretty bad and there are only a few commands i use every time i play, and all of these that got removed/changed i also used every day.

    please add at least nick and disguises back to ultimate.

  2. Adam Kaelin

    Adam Kaelin New Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    i completely agree with you. Ultimate rank should have everything on it rather than having to jump thru hoops to get stuff.. paid 50 dollars for the rank and then have to constantly jump thru more hoops for stuff that was on the 50 dollars......
  3. PringlePrangle

    PringlePrangle New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    or make the rank cheaper but then u would have to refund everyone on the server
  4. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    We're planning on fixing many ranks including the donator ranks so players feel like things are worth it.
    Currently we add things to the ranks that we feel are worth it for the donator ranks; however, we feel there isn't enough suggestions from you guys that we could add which is why they're barely touched. Prices of the ranks WONT be changing due to many complications with ownership issues in the past, apologises if you feel the need to disagree.

    We're more then looking forward for you guys/anybody to make a suggestions for our donator ranks, simply asking for them to be better is OK but suggestions would be better and we can reason on what can be added etc.

    Thank you for you suggestion and if could please make a follow up suggestion if things that could be added to donator ranks(?)
    Oli_The_Pug likes this.