Resolved Complete reset, but keep the ranks

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by Dezimirung, Jan 2, 2018.

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  1. Dezimirung

    Dezimirung New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    While I am against the idea of a complete reset, if it DOES happen, here is my suggestion.

    Everything should be reset, but players get to keep their ranks. Why? Because some players like myself have worked hard and a long time to achieve those ranks. It's also a way for myself to know which players have been on this server for the longest; when I see people that are +++, I know that they are experienced players (expect in the case of Daniel, who got to +++ quickly, but that's another story). Hence, if there was a complete reset, it would allow players to all start with the same things and the same amount of money, but by keeping ranks we still get to keep SOME advantages for having played on the server a long time. Plus I really like ranks lmao.

    So yeah, reset everything, map, money, inventory, but keep the ranks.
  2. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Closing this suggestion as it's outdated.
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