Open Pwarp Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by JohnJohnCinnabon, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. JohnJohnCinnabon

    Jul 25, 2018
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    Hello! I just had a couple ideas for how the whole pwarp system could be improved, and I thought I would compile them somewhere!

    0. Example Title
    Detailed description here.
    TL;DR: Shortened description

    1. Expired Pwarps Menu
    A menu to show previous warps you have made which are expired. This menu would allow you to quickly buy back already timed out warps, or allow you to delete them. Expired warps would not take up a slot out of the three warps players are allowed, or maybe you can have a limited number of expired pwarps as well (3 active warps, 10 expired warps, or something such as that). They could be included in the "My Pwarps" menu, or perhaps have their own "Expired Pwarps" menu, where it would list the expired warps with their coordinates, from which you could left click to buy back that pwarp, or right click to delete it permanently. This would be a very nice quality of life feature, as it wouldn't force people to go back to the location of the pwarp and reset it every time they forget to pay the rent.
    TL;DR: A menu where you can see expired pwarps, and either buy them back or delete them.

    2. Pay Rent in Advance
    This is exactly as it sounds, it would be very nice to be able to pay more than 2 weeks in advance for a pwarp, maybe it would cost more to pay in advance more than 2 weeks, and you'd cap it at 3 months or so. This leaves a problem of having a pwarp menu crowded with inactive players, to which I propose, if someone has paid for a pwarp in advance, but have been inactive for 2 weeks, their pwarp would still go down, because they have not been active. This would, again, be good for quality of life, because an active player will have to remember to buy back the pwarp anyways, so why deny them a way to not have to remember so long as they are still active?
    TL;DR: Players can buy more than 2 weeks worth of pwarp uptime so long as they are active.

    3. Private Pwarps
    This would be very similar to trusting people to claims, you could make a pwarp and trust certain people to it so only they may use the pwarp. This could be a cool idea as, for example, a town owner who has a pwarp at their town, could only allow town members to use the pwarp, or someone who hires workers could trust only the workers to the pwarp so they can come back without the threat of random people coming to the employer's farm. Though this would open up a lot of cool pwarps, and be very convenient to many players on the server, this would open up the possibility of people using it as a pseudo-home so they don't have to buy a donor rank for more homes, you could potentially combat this by making the feature donor-only, but personally I side with the idea of having all players be able to use them, and perhaps they could cost a premium price and last for a shorter amount of time.
    TL;DR: A private pwarp, where the owner can "trust" certain people to the pwarp so only certain people can use it.

    4. Pwarp Blacklist
    Exactly what it sounds like, the ability to ban someone from using a pwarp. This would be very useful for public farm pwarps, if someone decides to grief the farm, they can simply be banned from teleporting there, and it will no longer be an issue. This would still leave open the possibility that a pwarp-banned player could tpa to someone who is not banned, or they could have sethome before, but from there it could just be treated as trespassing or even grief.
    TL;DR: The ability to blacklist players from using a pwarp.

    5. Favorite Pwarps Menu
    A way to select pwarps as "favorite", perhaps they would display before all the other ones on the list for that one player, or it could even be a separate menu "Favorite Pwarps", where all of the given player's favorite warps would be listed. This would be another quality of life feature, saving some time looking through a long list of pwarps.
    TL;DR: A menu that players can add pwarps to for easy access.

    That's all I got! If anyone has thoughts on how to improve my ideas, or wants to point out flaws in these ideas, or even has an idea to add, feel free to reply! I personally feel these features would make the pwarps system more convenient to use (moreso than it is already), and would make for good changes overall! :D

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I like the ideas and I'll bring them up next time we have a meeting! One additional Idea is maybe a bump system to be pushed to the first slot and this would be on a 24 hr cooldown!