Open How about making the AH an actual auction and eliminate the Price Cap

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Ezorb, Nov 7, 2020.

  1. Ezorb

    Ezorb New Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    We can change the curent AH to the "Market" and keep the cap or raise it to a million and charge to post anything that is not free. then make a real AH where people can bid on things of real value. this will make the economy much more real.
  2. 08ts

    08ts New Member

    Oct 27, 2020
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    I remember AH before the price cap, I think they implemented it because people would overcharge on things, like 5mil or something for a single wheat seed, just to be 'funny'. When a lot of people did that, it was no doubt hard for mods and others to manage. I do wish I could sell things on AH like suffixes, special tools, etc.

    However, people can still do that, like 100k for a single seed. I've thought about making a warp shop and have people leave signed books of what they would be willing to pay for for an item, and the person with highest gets the item, obvs. But people may not take it seriously.
    #2 08ts, Nov 7, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2020
  3. Ezorb

    Ezorb New Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    people do that now, there is a single diamond on the AH for $100k right now. so nothing chnages if we make this change

    but what does change is that poeple can make a living with other ways of playing the game. people can mine cobble and the market can set a price for that, same for points or diamonds or quartz, right now we let bacon set the price for everything because of his shop
  4. ItsYvy

    ItsYvy Member

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I don't know if it's bacon setting the prices but I get what you mean. I think this would be a very interesting idea, and we've seen ideas like it to improve the auction house system. However I think that the main problem is simple delegation of resources. I know that we're currently working on a lot right now however I can make sure that it is brought up at some point. This doesn't mean that the suggestion isn't good, because I do like it, I just don't know if it would be able to be implemented anytime soon. Furthermore, what kind of price would it be to put something on to the auction house as you said? Would it be a base be to avoid people putting stuff on there? And if so wouldn't that raise the price of the item therefore putting preference on in-person buying? Last thing is how long would those auctions run? And what kind of cap could be put on the auction house, or would it be unlimited? I feel like if it was unlimited we could still see a lot of joke items and people still putting up reasonable amounts of money (ex: 100,000, a million) because of the simple amount of money in the economy.
  5. Ezorb

    Ezorb New Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    i have given it some thought, there must be an auction plug in out there so we dont have to reinvent it. users can set the auction time, auction run 2 hours at the most but a few minuts should be an option. you would want to put somthing valuable up when a lot of people were playing then promote the valuable item. say a sell shard or tools or a stack of compresed iron, keys, whatever valuable thing. house keeps 10% of final sell price and it cost 100k to post, this will keep the junk items out of the auction. if people put junk in anyway raise the price. No cap on prices, no minimum price. no reserve. if someone wants to put a dragon claw up and it bids up to 100m or more, great now we know what the thing is worth.

    on that note we need somthing that "rich" people want to spend money on. it would be cool if it could be craftable and got used up, it would futher be cool if it could be crafted by new players at great expense of time. you could make it so the you loose the ability to craft this as you rank up but you cant use this item unless you do rank up. Im thinking like a craftable sell shard or a chunk harvester wand.

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    We had a chat auction system a few years back but it was super spammy so it was later changed to the auction house we have now but I do think we should have an actual bidding system rather than the market-like ah we have not.
  7. 08ts

    08ts New Member

    Oct 27, 2020
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    I like the idea Ezorb had of putting a cap or fee for adding something to the auction. It would at least help a little to keep spam out. I think 10% may be a little high lol but I wouldn't be against the additional fee or merging the two fees for the auction to keep. That also helps with putting money back into the economy (in the sense that money is continuing to flow, not that the fee goes to a particular person).

    I've seen in other places that sometimes you might just have to resort to doing an auction yourself in regular chat, but I don't think mods would appreciate that since it could produce spam.
    BUTTERFIELD8 likes this.