Thoughts? (Up For Discussion) Requesting Stackable Spawners

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by BrenduhGeek, Nov 22, 2020.

  1. BrenduhGeek

    BrenduhGeek New Member

    Nov 12, 2020
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    I would like to request stackable spawners please. Thank you

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I'm all for this tbh but I heard there were issues with it in the past!
  3. grayson_

    grayson_ Member

    Sep 15, 2020
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    Something like this could create lots of lag, as it would spawn a ton at a time, for example, IG farms would crash the server if it's like this, maybe if there's a limit to how many can stack? Like.. 3? 5? I'm not sure

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    IF we were to implement this we would work something out like making the mobs auto stack or capping spawners so players stack them.
  5. ItsYvy

    ItsYvy Member

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I had a similar thought, instead of making stackable spawners, spawners that create resources without spawning mobs. Ex: Iron golem spawner just spawns iron and poppys in between a range.
    08ts likes this.

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I like the idea and feel like it would greatly reduce lag but it would take some convincing and some work to implement!
  7. GokuTheNerd

    GokuTheNerd Active Member

    Sep 12, 2019
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    I feel like this is a good idea, but it should only effect mob types that are typically used in an automatic farm. (IG, polarbear, spider, guardian) and then mobs like wither skeletons, and more typical XP farms could still be manual.

    There could also be a way to select if it's a mob or resource spawners by right clicking maybe.
  8. Ezorb

    Ezorb New Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    we had this in the past and it was more trouble than it was worth. some times you would break a spawner and you would not get the proper number of spawner out of the stack, the spawn mechanics were messed up,and you would end up with less spawns than if you had them seprate, unless they fixed all these things stear clear, imagine a 64 spawner stack of IG spawners does it spawn multiple IGs like 100 per spawn or does it spawn stacks of 15 IGs or is it like a river a of IGs pouring out,

    this is a bad idea, unless we can test it on beta.
  9. ItsYvy

    ItsYvy Member

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I agree with this, and this is def something we could bug test easy on beta. However I think that it wouldn't really fix the lag problem even if it was done like this, because its still spawning, and might even cause more lag due to more memory usage. I think just avoiding the spawning part, like what goku said, would be best
  10. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I saw this suggestion and decided to hold off on it just to collectively bring my thoughts together on both the suggestion and responses. I would like to start off with saying that it is always nice to see new suggestions and didn't mechanics we could use on Peaceful Farms to either improve its stability or different similar aspects. Whether this idea is implemented, spoken about or even denied. You're suggestion is still greatly appreciated.

    My original opinion on spawners being able to be stacked was 'good', i liked the idea, depending on different circumstances or gameplay they can be used to different potentials which is something that i uniquely find pleasing; however, with such a great or lag-less mechanic comes different consequences and troubles. From Peaceful Farm's previous experiences with a plugin that did indeed stack spawners, come a lot of issues which include spawners resetting on random intervals, spawner interval randomly breaking on different occasions depending on the mob count in the spawners radius, spawners being wiped along-side its data upon crashes or immediate game reloads, spawners would sometimes not spawn the correct mob or the mob will spawn with no AI. These problems aren't something i'd ultimately put down to the concept or idea considering its own responsibility to take these risks.

    I do believe that stacked spawners have a potential on Peaceful Farms; although, that doesn't mean to say that it is the best idea. I do believe that stacking mechanics revolving around the spawner would benefit the server either way. My response would be, if we were to go such a route, we'd need to look deeply into any problems or lag-like issues that are to occur.

    This idea won't be an idea we look into currently do to our schedule being full. I'll come back with a response, getting a proper view on how we could potentially set this up if we were to return to this concept being implemented on Peaceful Farms.

    I disagree with this idea solely based on different inconsistencies.
    BUTTERFIELD8 likes this.
  11. JollyGG

    JollyGG New Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    A thought to this is, now with 1.16.4 rolling out, there is a way to make the EXP Bank. Using Bamboo and Cactus, which are easily autofarmable, one can funnel them into a line of furnaces, have levers behind the hoppers pulling items out then have the furnaces auto run for a while..then stop teh hoppers with the levers, wait for a stack of cactuses to get done cooking, then pull them out and they should get a TON of exp. It takes longer, but the reward payout is epic...and it fits a Farm Server more than mob grinders IMO.

    Future could include ways to upgrade a furnace maybe? And the Configurable PFHoppers idea of JoJo's could make them easier to funnel items in.

    I will be making one on Carrot today, already did one half of it, so if examples are needed, I'll provide.
    #11 JollyGG, Dec 15, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
  12. Canadlan_bacon

    Community Teams

    May 20, 2020
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    Not going to lie. I love the stacking idea, but my farm would turn into like 1200 IG spawners ASAP. not reducing lag for a farm but increasing my output. Now lets say the plugin were to crash for whatever reason like sometimes they do for no reason. the server would surely crash. so its something I feel could cause more issues than it would solve