Open Improving the Vote Crate

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ItsYvy, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. ItsYvy

    ItsYvy Member

    Jul 24, 2020
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    It is no wonder that the vote keys are being throw out, even for 50k players aren't willing to sell their keys, because they aren't worth anything. This is why I propose that we increase the value of the crates, and in-turn the keys, by making the crates have something good in them. The best thing that you can get in the vote crates, apart from the donor key, is 15 minutes of tempfly, which are very common. I propose that we add rare rewards to the crates. Where instead of the best thing in the crate being .5% chance 15m tfly, it could instead be something like a 0.1% sell shard or 10% booster. Something that isn't amazing, but something that not only would be exclusive, or for the most part, to the vote crate, but also valuable. Take for example, a 20 sell shard is added to the crate. Not only would this help more newer players, but it would also help to start a more entry-level based economy. As I have seen through my hundreds of hours, the only sale that goes on is for top items, these being items such as tropical hoes, sell mults, and compressed items with very little inbetween. This, at times, can be unentertaining for more entry-level players because they aren't involved in the economy as they should be.

    What should be added to the crate? This is a good question, but I would like to pose, what should be taken out of the crate? First, the materials such as Iron and diamond should be taken out, because not only are the useless for the most part in the current economy, but they are worth less than the actual key is despite being a 5%, or in other words, rare drop. The items in the crate should be items that are actually valuable to players, from default to prestige++++. This being said, what fits into these categories? Well simply, it is rare items with rare chances that would most likely interest the p4's things such as other crate keys and rare tools, but also medium tier items that would interest the average player. These can be more common items, but also items that they will use and not throw on the ground, like two armor stands which you have a 4% of getting.

    What item's do regular, non-high prestige players use? First, I would like to advocate for different tiers of vote tools, such as a rare vote pickaxe that has better enchantments than the regular one, or even a legendary pickaxe, that doesn't stack up to high end pickaxes, but falls into that mid-tier range that most players would use. As the only picks that I can think of that mid-tier players would use would be the vote pick, and if you're lucky, an ultimate pick. I also believe that we should add in a vote hoe, as well as the different tiers, this would allow for people to have a good starting hoe, as we see that many of the hoes that are on the market are very expensive, the only one that I can think that a starting player would use is once again an ultimate Hoe, and a donor crate hoe, the latter selling for millions of dollars.

    Another solution that I would like to propose, is instead of giving out 5 keys on a bad crate. To instead, give out one key on an upgraded crate. This would lead to a more, in my opinion, rewarding and fun experience for players, new and old.
  2. Quackers

    Quackers New Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    I agree with this a lot, id also like to see a key upgrading system, like maybe for every 25 keys you can upgrade to one event key. or maybe 50. something worth voting for.

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I agree the Vote crate does need a refresh and I also believe the Donor crate needs one too! There were some basic talks about the possibility of a crate refresh and I think any display of public interest could revitalize this idea!
    Ky likes this.