Thoughts? (Up For Discussion) Pointshop improvement idea

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SlappySalmonYT, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. SlappySalmonYT

    SlappySalmonYT New Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    In a previous thread, me and jojo had a debate on where to get Tfly and it has made me realise that the pointshop can have major improvements and that it could even bring more people to PF!

    completely revamp keys
    Let’s face it, votekeys are completely useless to the more advanced players who have played awhile. I believe that we should just delete the giving vote key on vote and replace it with a new system. You could buy different keys at the pointshop! We add completely new keys (tier 1 through 5), each tier granting better loot (could work better as a box like reaction box so it doesn’t clog up vote area.) so like a T1 box costs 1-3 points (up to your judgement) and would give maybe a pick axe or sword etc. And the price and quality of items increases throughout the tiers. Maybe T4-5 have a chance to get a donor key but is very expensive in points to buy! This will completely refresh voting and will make advanced players vote again!

    TLDR: points can be traded in the pointshop for different tier boxes that give tools or keys.

    How this will help and improve PF:

    This will improve PF by making more players vote (which brings more players via voting) then they vote (more players) and it just repeats for a bigger community.

    I might reply with a demo of how this might work.
    I hope to make more suggestion about this and please debate on changes to make this suit PF more
    Seeya ;)
  2. MillieRaynor

    MillieRaynor New Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    i think vote keys defo need a change however a revamp of keys i do not think would be good
  3. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Thank you for suggesting your ideas.

    The pointshop currently is looking to be revamped in many different aspects. I believe that both the donator crate and vote crate need entirely revamping to meet todays standards within the community. I believe the idea to have these revamped is valid and i can ensure you that this will be worked on soon. I kinda like the idea of having tiered crates within the point shop; however, i'm not exactly certain how this would play out with different rewards considering they would be nearly the same and as op as circulated tools now days but this isn't a no. I'll definitely give this idea a go but i'm not sure if it'll make it past the beta stages.

    Please be sure to suggest more ideas. Thank you for your overall input!