Open PV/ BackPack

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Canadlan_bacon, Apr 13, 2021.

  1. Canadlan_bacon

    Community Teams

    May 20, 2020
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    This idea has been thrown around for years,
    but I would like to bring it up again incase a reset was to happen anytime soon.
    The idea is for people to purchase through the PF STORE more PVs (PV 2 PV 3).
    For example, you could buy a second PV for 5$ and u get another 5 row PV (if you have ult) if you have no donor rank you would get an additional 2 row PV. this would to be able to be used for resets and inventory.

    The reason I think 1 this would be used is because, many people want to be able to bring items over on reset that they worked hard for so they would spend extra money to just be able to do that. 2nd it would generate PF donations rather than people spending money on buying multiple alt accounts to make sure they get all items over on reset (also avoiding the filters of 5 spawners, 3 boosters, etc). 3rd people love being able to store items in there PV as it stands, so giving people the option to store tools is PV1 and maybe building materials in PV 2 etc.

    also if you need room in the shop I greatly feel that claim blocks could use replacing with this purchasable item.

    Please leave your feedback on whether you agree or disagree on this ?
  2. grayson_

    grayson_ Member

    Sep 15, 2020
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    I do really like this, though I believe it should be more than like 5$.
  3. Canadlan_bacon

    Community Teams

    May 20, 2020
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    agreed about the price, just an example
  4. Obelisk

    Obelisk New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    There really aren't any downsides to this. As far as use during the map and not for resets, it doesn't really change much allowing users to have that extra storage space for whatever it is they desire to keep with them at all times. As for resets, as you mentioned, PVs could be limited to only transfer certain items, etc. There are easy steps to take to balance it in the event of a reset and I can't possibly see any balancing issues during the map.

    It would be a great way to see more donations come into the server from those who wish to support PF.
  5. Artemis

    Artemis New Member

    Jan 17, 2021
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    I love this idea:) I fully agree and support it. We *could* have this only be for donor ranks, but of course, we can see what people think of that:)
    #5 Artemis, Apr 13, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021
  6. Obelisk

    Obelisk New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    I don't think that is particularly a good idea. More than likely, purchasing an individual PV would be cheaper than purchasing a rank. Allowing for these cheaper options for users to purchase when first donating to a server will benefit the server in the long run rather than trying to bundle things together in order to have a large amount spent at once.

    Either people are going to be content spending in small increments to get their desired commands or extra PV space and leave it at that, or it will ultimately encourage them to continue to support the server. Either way, you're retaining players who are willing to continue to contribute to a community whether that be monetarily or otherwise.
    #6 Obelisk, Apr 13, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021
    Artemis likes this.
  7. Artemis

    Artemis New Member

    Jan 17, 2021
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    You’re absolutely right, I like that reasoning very much.
    Obelisk likes this.