Open Quests, Voting and Donor Crates

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by RyanS1005, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. RyanS1005

    RyanS1005 Administrator
    Administrator Community Teams Rules Committee Builder

    Jun 28, 2019
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    I feel like introducing a new quest system to Peaceful Farms could be really fun, I know theres daily missions and achievements but i feel like not many people do the daily missions because its not really that motivating to do, therefor i think introducing a quest system could be a cool thing outside of just ranking up and even a way to make some money.

    There would be a quest menu (/quest, /q) with possibly different sections such as Tiered Quests, Seasonal Quests and Daily Quests for example

    The daily quest could be randomized and wouldnt be the same for every player (these quests should be quite easy but not to the point where players stack up certain items so they can hand them in for the quest, something to prevent this could be like killing certain mobs, making a certain amount of money etc), it would be cool if these quests have a small reward and that the reward depends on the rank that you are so that its even somewhat motivating for the higher ranked players. Something else that could motivate players to do these daily quest could be streaks, and daily quest streak rewards. Lets say for example you complete 10 daily quests in a row you get a certain reward, and then at lets say Day 30 there could be a really good reward like an exclusive suffix, keys or maybe a custom /kit. For the key reward there could even be a custom quest crate if needed with some cool new fresh rewards.

    For the Tiered Quests it would just be a few categories and quests that the player has to complete, these quests would have multiple tiers and levels, every stage having a higher reward. For example a Tree planter Quest could look like this:

    Composter (Tier I): Grow 20 Birch Saplings: 0/20
    Grow 20 Oak Saplings: 0/20

    Recycler (Tier II): Grow: 50 Birch Saplings: 0/50
    Grow: 50 Oak Saplings: 0/50

    Ecologist (Tier III): Grow 75 Spruce Saplings: 0/75
    Grow 75 Oak Saplings: 0/75
    Grow 75 Birch Saplings: 0/75

    Eco-Friendly (Tier IV): Grow 200 Spruce Saplings: 0/200
    Grow 200 Oak Saplings: 0/200
    Grow 200 Birch Saplings: 0/200
    Grow 50 Jungle Saplings: 0/50
    Grow 50 Acacia Saplings: 0/50

    Environmentalist (Tier V): Grow 400 Spruce Saplings: 0/400
    Grow 400 Oak Saplings: 0/400
    Grow 400 Birch Saplings: 0/400
    Grow 150 Jungle Saplings: 0/150
    Grow 150 Acacia Saplings: 0/150

    As final reward for this quest there could be like a GreenThumb Suffix
    Then there could be a lot of different other categories, here are some example and some tier names
    Tier I: Farmer Novice
    Tier II: Farmer Adept
    Tier III: Farmer Expert
    Tier IV: Farmer Master
    Tier V: Farmer Legend
    Tier I: Miner Novice
    Tier II: Miner Adept
    Tier III: Miner Expert
    Tier IV: Miner Master
    Tier V: Miner Legend
    Tier I: Lumberjack Novice
    Tier II: Lumberjack Adept
    Tier III: Lumberjack Expert
    Tier IV: Lumberjack Master
    Tier V: Lumberjack Legend
    Tier I: Fisher Novice
    Tier II: Fisher Adept
    Tier III: Fisher Expert
    Tier IV: Fisher Master
    Tier V: Fisher Legend
    Mob Hunting:
    Tier I: Swordsman
    Tier II: Knight
    Tier III: Warrior
    Tier IV: Gladiator
    Tier V: Samurai

    These could all have their respective Suffix as a reward and some money, tokens, credits, tools (And possibly a Quest Crate Key)

    The Seasonal Quests would probably just be similar to previous seasonal quests there have been but instead of a book they could just be put in this menu.

    My next suggestion is updating the vote and donor crate, i feel like the current donor crate is not good enough. There are some good items but i feel like theres some items that really shouldnt be in there like some of the spawners, golden apples and dragon head. Updating this crate with newer and fresher items would make it a lot better in my opinion. Same kinda goes for voting, i feel like if the vote crates was updated with some rare items, it would really motivate people to vote. Lets say theres a really good exclusive item but it has a very low % of getting it, players would vote so they get those 5 keys and 5 chances to get this item instead of getting an anvil every time xd. With this there could also be Vote Streaks and a Vote party. A vote party will drop when the vote party goal is reached, i would make this number so it gets hit atleast once or twice a day. To check the vote party you'd do /voteparty or /vp and it'll tell you the votes needed to reach the next vote party, some drop rewards could be a vote key and a sell booster (or random booster) that goes on for like 5-10 minutes. Then vote streaks is kinda the same as quest streaks, you get certain rewards based on your vote streak.

    This was my suggestion so far, i might edit or update some things and i would love to hear y'alls opinions and feedback :)
    AshesRevamp, Artemis, MxPunk and 3 others like this.
  2. joy boy

    joy boy New Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    It would be great if they added this since quests are kinda boring rn
    Obelisk likes this.
  3. timid__

    timid__ Member

    Jun 28, 2019
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  4. RyanS1005

    RyanS1005 Administrator
    Administrator Community Teams Rules Committee Builder

    Jun 28, 2019
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    /skull imposter