Open Fix the economy: Crop prices

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by BamboMango, Aug 22, 2021.

  1. BamboMango

    BamboMango New Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Encourage players to farm more then 1 crop.

    Dynamic prices will be the solution to diversification.

    Items that are sold too often by many players decrease in value making other crops worth farming more.

    The system should maintain itself by ask and demand from the players selling different crops.

    Alternatively there could be a base price for every crop and if a crop is not recently sold to the shop it should go up in value.

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I like this idea! I had something similar in mind where the more a user sells a crop it will decrease in price on a curve that would get sharper as they go. Kinda like the Farming Simulator prices.
  3. HuqMe

    HuqMe New Member

    Jul 1, 2019
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    I think you could also do something like switching the prices of each crop every single Minecraft day to give it a more interesting feel instead of the "Hot" crop every daily reset. It makes it more fun as it almost feel like you're selling crops to "people" like an actual farmer instead of just sending crops into the void for money. Maybe even throw in the feature where crop selling is disabled at a specific time of the night so it can feel a lot like a real farmers market? The would also give the player a nice little break from farming as it always feel like a Mind Numbing Grind Fest on PF.

    Although this is a stretch, you could also consider replacing sell shards for crop bags that would only accept specific crops that can be obtained through various ways and be upgraded, which are used to deliver crops to Farmer NPCs in a hypothetical marketplace warp. This would mimic the behavior of sellshard that still encourages players to move around a bit more. This would consequently allow automatic farms to still be a bit more worth building but also prioritize manual farms.

    I understand there are a few concerns in this but this would give a fresh new approach to farming as a whole on the server.
    #3 HuqMe, Aug 27, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2021