Open Foxes

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by BamboMango, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. BamboMango

    BamboMango New Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    19th of september 2021 is when the lag police decided that foxes should stack, this update was impleted to reduce lag.

    So in order to generate the same amount of income from your autofarm, you would have to have 10 times more foxes, resulting in the same amount of entities.

    This does not make alot of sense to me in terms of reducing lag since you would end up with the same amount of entities at your farm.

    I find it very unfortunate that the average player was not informed of this change. It was only 8 hours before the daily restart that it was announced a change this big would happen.

    I would like to be informed of major game changes in the future so perhaps I would have time to think of a decent solution instead of a sudden change that causes a major setback to the players who are now punished for their creativity.

    As for a proper solution, maybe some sort of block (skull) that behaves like a fox would be a great way to keep these farms possible without causing any lag at all, in fact; it would probably the most lagfriendly autofarm possible. Using a skull type item would count towards the entity tile limit as well.

    Attached Files:

  2. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    how might you get this farming block though? crafting it or trading for it with a new custom villager? rankup reward if craftable? could add more to this involving the way to obtain said farming item. and would you be able to upgrade it or put hoes in a potential inventory of the item?
  3. BamboMango

    BamboMango New Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Currently, foxes are obtained from the /pointshop for 0,5 point each

    But maybe a custom recipe with compressed sweetberry would be a solution was well.

    This would also set a hard limit on how big a foxfarm could be due to skulls counting towards the block entity limit (1024/chunk)
    #3 BamboMango, Sep 20, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
  4. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    would there be a single space for a hoe in the potential inventory? or for upgrades maybe if you just get the skull item without a hoe space?
  5. BamboMango

    BamboMango New Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    I am specificly talking about foxes, foxes don't need a hoe to harvest anything. It is just to replace the entity.

    Other autofarms are still possible without creating too much lag.
  6. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    ooooh ok. i was just wondering things