Description: Stardust Rod does not attract fish when cast. Server: Potatoe Expected behavior: When cast to attract fish for catching. Steps to reproduce: ● Opened the /pb 1. ● Dragged the "Stardust Rod" to my bar. ● Closed the /pb 1. ● Went to the bar location and used the Fishing rod as you would. ● Threw out the fishing line. ● No fish went to the line at all. Even when I did /transfer on the fishing line, still nothing happened. ● I can confirm this does not work via spawn and world. While the fishing tournament was going on and also when it was not. How long ago was the bug introduced?: September 10, 2021, at 10:30PM (EST) Additional comments or concerns: This is my favorite rod that I proudly got from the paid keys crate.