Open Leather armour from crates -> diamond

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Cough, Oct 9, 2021.

  1. Cough

    Cough New Member

    Jan 12, 2018
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    As the title says, I think crate items that are received in leather form should be diamond or even iron at best because my axe level is pretty high, me and a few friends was playing around in the nether and I hit my friend with summer boots on and they broke with 1 hit and after looking into the crate items. There are many more leather items which run the risk of breaking so quickly.

    I think leather is like gold and just like the greatest spade (that got changed to netherite because of the claim issue) but gold breaks like leather and if you want people to hold onto items for years to come, it'd be nice to have things like summer boots or the easterII boots but the risk of them breaking dramatically decreases the price and not many people "aim" to get them since leather gear is pretty crap haha.

    I think the vote helmet should also get this change instead of risking them being broken by dragon fights, pvp or even lava.

  2. BubbleTeaDragon

    BubbleTeaDragon Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Community Teams Builder

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Hiya Chocnips~!

    As a long-time member of Peaceful Farms, I'm sure you remember; that the Summer Boots are an old crate item. Along with other leather armor pieces, not everything will be updated. This may change in the future but I can not guarantee that this will happen. Many new and old players love collecting older crate items. I would also like to add that STAFF and CMT members, have updated many items already. :) Please be mindful of other players' armor in the future.

    Side note: with the 1.18 update soon approaching, leather boots with custom enchants will be popular~! As you can safely walk across Powered Snow.

    Hoping you are well,
  3. Cough

    Cough New Member

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Thanks for replying Bubbles!

    So in other words you aren't 100% sure if this can or will be implimented?
  4. Arcadius

    Arcadius Member

    Dec 22, 2020
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    Really easy fix, don't hit people with leather armour on! Case closed. Leather boots especially are handy when 1.17 comes around as they allow you to walk on the powder snow. Vote crate items are meant to not be the best as you can get them daily. I personally see 0 value in this suggestion. If every tool you get is diamond, it's a boring palate and extremely generic. Keep the leather.