Thoughts? (Up For Discussion) Suffix for old players

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by EnderSkeleton8, Oct 7, 2021.

  1. EnderSkeleton8

    EnderSkeleton8 New Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    For anyone that remembers me, hello, it's been a long, long while. Been around since roughly February of 2015, and thought I'd toss a suggestion onto the pile.

    There are still a handful of us players that come from the time that Logan was still the server owner, years ago. It would be a thoughtful addition to add in a suffix for said old players, at least for the ones that still pop around or actively play like me and Steve. Could name it either "Ancient" or "Legacy", as two examples.

    Obviously it may not be clear who would be from that time, unless the admins have logs from back when the server was bought, but Steve has a pretty solid memory of players from back then to fall on.

    And, if the suggestion were to pass, I would also suggest a few variants of color gradients to pick from, to sort of help it stand out, and it would be unique to that suffix alone.
    ItsYvy, Cough and BubbleTeaDragon like this.
  2. Steve_O_jr

    Steve_O_jr New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Steve Approves.
    EnderSkeleton8 likes this.
  3. BubbleTeaDragon

    BubbleTeaDragon Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Community Teams Builder

    Jul 17, 2020
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    this is a cute idea
  4. Cough

    Cough New Member

    Jan 12, 2018
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    I second this
  5. Arcadius

    Arcadius Member

    Dec 22, 2020
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    I don't think this is a good idea at all. It's impossible to monitor who was been around for how long, and how do you decide the cut off date? If someone joined in 2017, that's 4 years of the server, I'd say that's a long time, but I've been around since 2013/2014, to me, 2017 is recently joined. It's also pretty unfair for new players to not be able to get the tag. I think realistically all this would do is create a cringe "Grandparents" club of all the old has-beens trying to flex the "good old days". I think the server should look towards moving forward and improving instead of clinging to the past.
    Katie and Ky like this.
  6. EnderSkeleton8

    EnderSkeleton8 New Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    Well, there's been a rather clear overhaul of the server since the 'good old days' that could make deciding a cut-off date easy. When the server changed ownership for example, or when there were any number of crucial massive resets.

    And there should still be a player registry from when the server was bought, so your list of people is already there, or the affix could simply be available upon request if you can prove you've been around that long.

    As for unfairness, this is a server with items that are currently unobtainable to players, and there has always had a cash shop on top of that which is inherently limiting to certain people.

    As for the 'grandparents club' notion, there is already select groups of people that have certain affixes, for example the Squid suffix, which is only available for a limited time for some people, and may not be available later for others.

    I only suggest the affix as a kind gesture to the pet that are still kicking around, plus it would help display the server's longevity if it's openly shown that many old players are still sticking around.
  7. Arcadius

    Arcadius Member

    Dec 22, 2020
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    Again, how can you decide who deserves to be heralded as an “old player”? Is someone who has stuck around for a year considered? An entire year is a long time to play. What about a player that played a day in 2014 and hasn’t played since? Would they be considered, even though for the majority of their “time on the server” they’re inactive?
  8. MxPunk

    MxPunk New Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    I really like this idea!
    Cough likes this.
  9. EnderSkeleton8

    EnderSkeleton8 New Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    It wouldn't be playtime based, it would simply be available if you had logged in before whatever the decided cut-off date would be. And yes, even if a player had only logged in once before the cut-off date, if they logged in during that time then it would apply to them as well, they were there before the cut-off. The whole point of the affix I am suggesting is that it'd be a legacy thing, you had to be there to have it. I'd be down for a playtime-based affix as well don't get me wrong, but that'd be a different suggestion thread, allow me to get back to the topic at hand.

    It'd be quite similar to a category of achievements called Feats of Strength in World of Warcraft. Some of them you can still get in-game, for example if you buy a rare item in the auction house that doesn't spawn anymore (akin to the crates on the server that contain old crate items, or buying an affix from an old event from somebody). And others you simply cannot get at all anymore unless you where there for the event or bought into the promotion (Like the Warcraft 3 Reforged pre-order bundle mount, or any of the cutting edge achievements that you only get by killing the main raid boss before the next set of raids is released).
  10. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Personally, I disagree with this idea as well. While I do believe the dedication towards the server is quite cool. I do not believe that players should be rewarded. Players have had chances at collecting trophies in the past that still exist to this day. Creating an environment where players are separated based on who has dedicated the most time can sometimes create a toxic environment that I wouldn't like to see. There is also no way for us to track this data without going ahead and using resources to create a custom plugin for this type of deal.
    Oladipo_4 likes this.
  11. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    i am against this as well because most players that have been on the server for a year or more have most likely spent money on it. there fore if you have gotten what is needed for /customsuffix you could then just make a suffix for any older player to use
    LauraLea and Arcadius like this.
  12. LauraLea

    LauraLea New Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    That is a good idea! Problem solved!!
    Oladipo_4 likes this.
  13. BenzyDaCaribou

    BenzyDaCaribou New Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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  14. Amond

    Amond Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    ky think of it this way: we dedicate the tag to for example, people who joined when the server first started… it’s just an idea, after all.