Open Dryo's 1st Suggestion Thread - [ New Content,QoL Suggestions ]

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by DryoXzy, Nov 8, 2021.


Which Suggestion did you like / found interesting the MOST

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  2. Suggestion #2

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  3. Suggestion #3

  4. Suggestion #4

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  5. Suggestion #5

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  6. Suggestion #6

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  7. Suggestion #7

  1. DryoXzy

    DryoXzy New Member

    Aug 15, 2021
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    Hey there! This is my first post on the theme of suggestions.
    What am i trying to suggest?
    - New Content
    - Quality of Life changes
    I hope this thread could get a bit of attention and for suggestions to be considered.

    No more info noone needs to know, bring in the suggestions!

    [ QoL ] - 1/2

    #1) Quicker GBM navigation, this one doesn't need alot of explanation. Only a few commands to get to important GUI's quicker. ( Compress items menu, etc. )
    #2) Compressed Nether Wart, Speaks for itself.
    #3) New Tools to assist people with building farms. ( Building wands, automatic seed planting )
    #4) Buff other crops to make them have a chance to compete against Nether Wart prices ( Melons mainly. ), And a sell price buff to Non-Fortunable crops (wheat, cactus, sugar cane).
    #5) Ability to use money to enchant tools up to higher Fortune levels but with a tiny twist!
    Vanilla crafted hoes can go up to F10
    Custom Crafted Hoes can go up to F20
    Donator Hoes up to F25
    Crop specific tools up to F35 ( Suggestion #6 )

    [ CONTENT ] - 2/2

    #6) More Tools, Specific Tool per crop.
    Specific Hoes for crops, Same for Axes
    Using the Correct Tool while farming gives the user +50% crop yield.
    #7) {big suggestion alert} Crop LEVELING, tons of perks
    Allow people to level up all the different crops for new perks and farming related bonuses.

    (Why this suggestion? To encourage farming different crops other than NW, And to suggest new stuff for endgame users to do)

    - All crops can be leveled infinitely but max out at level 100!
    - Crop XP can be increased by boosters, crop specific tools. (#6)

    Here are some ideas for unlockable perks:
    Level 10 Sugarcane:10% more base speed
    Every 20 levels for all crops: +1 base yield ( +2 for non-fortunable crops )
    All Crops level 25: /auto access
    All Crops level 50: /comp access
    Netherwart Level 100: Ability to harvest a larger area at once /// Ability to double crop yield for 30 seconds (300s cooldown)
    Every 10 levels for all crops: +2% price buff

    That will be everything from my first suggestion thread. I will GREATLY appreciate feedback from anyone! Im not expecting most of these even being considered but that's ok.
    For questions ask in comments? (whatever its called) or Discord DMs
    * DryoXzy#0390 *

    *** Apologies for grammar mistakes, made this at 1:40 am ***

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Fortune is an iffy subject here as currently, the max fortune anyone can have is 16. We feel like increasing fortune might get out of hand and be game-breaking. I'm definitely into crop-specific tools though that sounds interesting just not that crazy high of fortune!
    Oladipo_4 likes this.
  3. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    especially for things like sugarcane. that would be a game changer
  4. BubbleTeaDragon

    BubbleTeaDragon Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Community Teams Builder

    Jul 17, 2020
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    There are a few things I would like to add and discuss.

    New Tools to assist people with building farms. ( Building wands, automatic seed planting )

    -Yea, I'm not opposed to the idea of a tool the auto plants (maybe a new enchant would be better) but the "Building Wand"; should never be a thing on PF. For one thing, imagine the lag; if people were using this to build giant farms all at the same time. It would be a nightmare. Secondly, you just described World Edit. You are taking away the dedication it takes to have a great farm and honestly, it gives off lazy vibes. Players hire other players for building farms, this is a chance for players with lower ranks to get some decent money early on.

    #4) Buff other crops to make them have a chance to compete against Nether Wart prices ( Melons mainly. ), And a sell price buff to Non-Fortunable crops (wheat, cactus, sugar cane).

    -I joined PF after the great "auto farm days" and there were reasons as to why watermelon, cactus and sugarcane prices were nerfed. Now, I did see auto farm towers before potato reset and my frames would go down to like 10; as I would fly by these giant auto farms. (Hated it because my Minecraft would crash.) I know the PF staff have significantly improved so many things (in regards to making PF run smoother) and will continue to do so. But I personally feel that auto farms should not make a come back.

    #5) Ability to use money to enchant tools up to higher Fortune levels but with a tiny twist!
    Vanilla crafted hoes can go up to F10
    Custom Crafted Hoes can go up to F20
    Donator Hoes up to F25
    Crop specific tools up to F35 ( Suggestion #6 )

    -As Butters has said this is a no-go. I can see this getting out of hand very quickly and don't even get me started on the inflation of prices, it would be utterly ridiculous.

    [ CONTENT ] - 2/2

    #6) More Tools, Specific Tool per crop.
    Specific Hoes for crops, Same for Axes
    Using the Correct Tool while farming gives the user +50% crop yield.

    -I don't like the idea of having several different tools, per crop. it's a bit excessive don't you think and who wants to carry all of those tools around? I don't. I know some players would say "private inventories and ender chests" But not all players have a donor rank so their PV space is limited. I don't really see a need for this.

    #7) {big suggestion alert} Crop LEVELING, tons of perks
    Allow people to level up all the different crops for new perks and farming-related bonuses.
    (Why this suggestion? To encourage farming different crops other than NW, And to suggest new stuff for endgame users to do)

    - All crops can be leveled infinitely but max out at level 100!
    - Crop XP can be increased by boosters, crop-specific tools. (#6)

    Here are some ideas for unlockable perks:
    Level 10 Sugarcane:10% more base speed
    Every 20 levels for all crops: +1 base yield ( +2 for non-fortunable crops )
    All Crops level 25: /auto access
    All Crops level 50: /comp access
    Netherwart Level 100: Ability to harvest a larger area at once /// Ability to double crop yield for 30 seconds (300s cooldown)
    Every 10 levels for all crops: +2% price buff

    -We already have rank up perks for crop prices so I don't know why we would need to level up our crops. It seems tedious . "All crops can be leveled infinitely but max out at level 100" This goes back to the whole wrecking the eco thing. Sidenote: I don't know if you knew this but it was announced a while back; that P5 is in the works so people have something to look forward to. So, P4 is not the end game.
    Oladipo_4 likes this.
  5. Boggey

    Boggey New Member

    Oct 17, 2021
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    Max fortune should be 3 its now way to high
  6. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    never gonna be changed back bud. it might increase or stay the same but never going back down. if you don’t like it you can always play without the custom enchants, nothing is stopping you from playing like that
  7. Boggey

    Boggey New Member

    Oct 17, 2021
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    but the economy is broken, and that is partly from overpowered tools
  8. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    still not gonna get changed lol. talk with devs and ky as much as you want but it’s not ever gonna get changed. server is only going forward, not backward
  9. BubbleTeaDragon

    BubbleTeaDragon Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Community Teams Builder

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Olad is right. This isn't going to happen, even if we got rid of all of the custom enchants and went back to vanilla Minecraft. That wouldn't fix much at all. For one thing, we would still have a bunch of other custom things on PF (boosters, sell shard, spawners and etc.). It wouldn't fix the eco and would only make a lot of players mad. Secondly, the next option would be to get rid of all of our custom things on PF and start fresh with vanilla. We would lose so many players, not only did we wipe everything but they lost their items; that a lot of players bought with actual money. So, that only leaves us with the option to move forward from where we already are and add stuff to fix the eco little at a time.
    Oladipo_4 likes this.
  10. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    wiping all the custom stuff would also erase so much history of the server. for example canadlan_bacon and steve_o_jr have extremely rare items or one of a kind in their storages. thanks for agreeing though ❤️
    BubbleTeaDragon likes this.
  11. Boggey

    Boggey New Member

    Oct 17, 2021
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    it would take a lot to fix this econ. maybe add a 3rth server that is balanced and has fair economy
  12. BubbleTeaDragon

    BubbleTeaDragon Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Community Teams Builder

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Yea, sorry. This isn't going to happen either. You're just gonna have to accept what we already have. Going back to vanilla and starting over would literally make so many players mad and leave. Making a new one won't fix it either. I know you are new to the server but you need to understand. This is how PF is.

    P.S. Our community loves the server the way it is and I do too. We will continue to do things the way it already is and PF will just keep moving forward; to newer and better things, as a community.
    #12 BubbleTeaDragon, Nov 17, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2021
    Oladipo_4 likes this.