Open Quests for Events Update

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Pardu5, Dec 10, 2021.

  1. Pardu5

    Pardu5 New Member

    Jul 21, 2020
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    Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like some event quests that are story based are a bit harder than they really should be. Like a quests that needs anything compressed can be a little hard for a lower level to complete. And then anything netherite is another level on top of that, mostly because it is difficult to find new, unclaimed nether. So my suggestions are:

    1. Have an easy story line that has harder optional quests along the way
    2. Have a story line where each quest has an easy and a hard task in order to complete it. Only one of the tasks needs to be completed though, not both. If the easy task is completed, a smaller reward is given. If the harder task is completed, a bigger reward is given.

    I just feel like this would make anyone of any level be able to really enjoy every aspect of events
    Oladipo_4 and Vaidurya like this.
  2. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    i like this idea because i read up on all the announcements and things people were saying about the whoville event and stuff and i still don’t understand how most of this stuff works. i’m assuming this is how a lot of other people feel as well. the halloween one was perfect, this one could be better
  3. Amond

    Amond Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    Hrmmm, idk about how it would work