Resolved /tags menu bug

Discussion in 'Closed bug reports' started by 22pool, Dec 12, 2021.

  1. 22pool

    22pool New Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Description: In the suffixes section of the /tags menu, there are two mushroom soups which one presses to change pages. When there is no page in the direction of the button then the bowl is empty and when there is a page in the direction of the button the bowl contains mushroom soup. This works for all of the pages except for the 3rd page (of four). The button that moves the page to the right is an empty bowl even though there is a fourth page.
    Server: Both
    Expected behavior: Both bowls of mushroom soup should be full on the third page of the suffixes section of the /tags menu.
    Steps to reproduce: Run the /tags command. Press the next page button until arriving on the third suffix page. The next page button will be an empty bowl but there is still a fourth page and the button still works.
    How long ago was the bug introduced?: Not certain, most likely when the fourth page of suffixes was added
    Additional comments or concerns: This is not a significant issue.
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Resolved. Feel free to check it out.