Open Various Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Obelisk, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. Obelisk

    Obelisk New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    Just to clarify, nothing on here is a hill I wish to die on. Please don’t come in hot, as these are just thoughts I’ve had that I wanted to gauge community interest on and possibly have them further fleshed out by a group. I care about the server and growth and change are important! Especially in this day in age where anybody with a credit card can open a Minecraft server, it is important to continue to differentiate and offer additional/new content.

    • Xenforo “Form” addon for Appeals/Reports/Applications
    One of the biggest problems I noticed when looking through reports, appeals, applications etc was the recurring situation where a player would create a thread without the template which would then have a staff member respond with “Please create a new thread with x template.” There are always going to be players who neglect to use a template and then it creates a messy forums area full of dead threads and messy threads.

    Instead, there is an addon for Xenforo that I personally used during the ownership of my server that instead of having a pinned topic when a template that is copy/pasted, there is a link at the top that takes you to a forums page that essentially functions as a “form.” Your template would have boxes to complete and then perfectly create a thread with the correct template used and avoid the issue of spam threads and most importantly players not receiving the attention to their appeal/application/report that they desire. Xenforo also allows you to disable permission to create threads, thus eliminating any issue of users circumventing this.

    • Spam Protection
    There are a number of free add-ons and systems built into Xenforo’s ACP that prevent the spam advertisement threads that seem to pop up every few days. Granted, it seems the staff is on top of deleting them in a timely manner, but avoiding that problem altogether would be a nice touch. This is something I had a lot of experience dealing with as I worked heavily with setting up Xenforo and other forum software and some moderate web development. Would be happy to chat more if anyone was interested.

    It is also possible to have accounts required to link to a Minecraft account upon registration, similar to how the discord works. I imagine this would likely eliminate most of the spam bot issues.

    • Money Sinks
    An economy server is typically based around longevity. It likely won’t see resets quarterly, such as factions servers might. With this comes some incredible benefits and a few downsides. Players have ample time to amass wealth, make incredible creations, and progress through the ranks of the server. However, there also comes a point where players have amassed so much wealth there isn’t much left for them to do. For a new player with a more competitive nature, this can be daunting to look at baltop and see players with tens of billions. It would be interesting to add certain “money sinks” to remove wealth from the economy in exchange for either cosmetics to show status or potentially perks that would encourage players who have dedicated significant time to the server to continue to work towards. Obviously, there will always be a point where “everything” is completed but adding a slight focus on “endgame” collectibles, etc would be interesting!

    Additionally, it could be interesting to explore the ability to purchase certain store content or store credit with in-game money. With the prevalence of “Real World Trades” on the server, where a player says “I’ll pay x if someone buys me x/rank/item/bundle” this could be a nice way to better facilitate that if there is a direct exchange rate and “safer” way to do this.

    The ranking system here has also always surprised me a bit as it is wildly different from a lot of other economy-based servers. I really really enjoy the requirements beyond just money for ranking up but it would also be nice to have a sort of endless ranking system as more of a status symbol. A lot of servers accomplish this by having the player reach x highest rank and then displaying the number of times they have truly “prestige” or it could be thought about as Paragon levels in Diablo or SHD levels in Division 2. A continuous rank-up system where the player can feel as if they are continuing to progress with it being more of a cosmetic way of showing wealth.

    TLDR; more end game content to spend massive wealth on

    Quality of Life
    • Decompressing Items
    This is just one example, however, there are important functions that seem to be buried in sub-menus. /compress and /decompress being donor commands feels a bit unnecessary, however, if these are really things that “NEED” to stay as donor commands, at least unbury the ability to compress/decompress from the submenus that it is in. This mainly applies to new players and would be a quality of life for non-donators.

    • Drain Blocks/Lava Sponges or whatever you want to call them.
    Sponges for lava. With the number of players who are clearing chunks, this would be fantastic. It could also be interesting to add a new custom crafting recipe for them and potentially have something similar to the “crafting tool” purchasable to create them.

    I’ve heard a few people say they “cause lag.” A properly developed lava sponge/universal draining plugin shouldn’t have a significant effect on server performance. If there are concerns about players spamming them in a massive pool of lava, there could be a cooldown on how many you could place in a given time span. I worked with them on a large factions server and they caused no issues for our TPS.

    Piggybacking on the sponge function and applying it to the lava is a relatively simple plugin. However, it could also be interesting to take it a step further and add “Drain Blocks” that function similarly to a claim shovel. Being able to select either a 2d or 3d area and drain that entire area of liquid, would be a nice quality of life addition. I suppose this would be an alternative that I imagine would be significantly more resource-intensive.
  2. Amond

    Amond Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    Decomping items is already there !
  3. Amond

    Amond Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    But spam protection, <3
  4. Obelisk

    Obelisk New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    Please read before replying. I'm aware it exists as a command and menu function in-game, it is buried in menus for those who don't purchase a rank which is tedious to access, which is what I wrote.

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    We have plans that are similar to your suggestions for the in-game content and we do wish to update our spam protection sooner than later but that would require us to do a few backend things and will most likely result in us having to redesign the website or such.

    Edit: Also no to lava sponge :p
    Obelisk and Amond like this.
  6. Amond

    Amond Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    Oh OHH sorry about that
  7. Obelisk

    Obelisk New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    A temporary fix would be requiring registration validation with an actual MC account.