Howdy :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kakashyeet, Apr 6, 2022.

  1. Kakashyeet

    Kakashyeet New Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Howdy, everybody!!

    Some of you know me and might remember me and most of you probably haven't a single clue of who I am cause I've been swamped with work and haven't really been in the best state due to stress but I'm pushing through and working really hard for my future career and hopefully succeeding in what I'd love to do.

    I just really wanted to say thank you to all the people on here that helped me through so many tough times and for all the laughs and good times we had in the past. Being a part of the staff team on PF was truly a wonderful experience that helped me meet many amazing people and make so many friends at a time when I had basically nobody there for me. I'll always cherish every tear shed and every laugh from those special moments deep within my heart for the rest of my life and will always look back at them and think of how lucky I am to have met such amazing people from such a kind community.

    As I mentioned above I've been extremely overwhelmed with schoolwork and actual work and basically have no time at all to do anything but work (being an adult sucks) but I'll try my best to come to visit every now and then and see what's going on although these moments will sadly most probably be rare and short.

    PF will forever be more than just a Minecraft server because it's a family, and I will always love and remember my family!

    Lova y'all & cya soon!!

    (PS congrats Ky on your promotion :))
    (PPS Flonsh is smelly)
    (PPPS the above was just a joke (not the Ky thing the Flonsh one))
    RyanS1005 likes this.
  2. RyanS1005

    RyanS1005 Administrator
    Administrator Community Teams Rules Committee Builder

    Jun 28, 2019
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    (PPPPS the flonsh thing is not a joke)[​IMG]
  3. BubbleTeaDragon

    BubbleTeaDragon Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Community Teams Builder

    Jul 17, 2020
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    omg yeet~!!!

  4. JohnJohnCinnabon

    Jul 25, 2018
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