Open Thoughts on the fishing update and how to improve it :D

Discussion in 'General' started by AshesRevamp, Jun 22, 2022.

  1. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    I put a bit of effort into this so I appreciate it a lot if you took the time to read it and leave a comment on what's your own opinion about fishing and my post.

    Hi, for those of you who don't know me, I'm AshesRevamp (Ash). I joined PF not so long ago in the end of May 2022. I discovered the awesome custom fishing system the server has and I saw a lot of potential in it. That's when my fishing journey started. I will only do this kind of post for fishing as I am not really into any other skills so I wouldn't know what's wrong with them.


    As I'm not here to write a novel, I'll go in the subject. I will divide this post in two parts for now:

    I) Thoughts on the custom fishing system

    II) How it can be improved from my point of view

    So, I started to play on Carrot and quickly got to the top of the leaderboard. As I started to get really dedicated to fishing, I was really afraid of potential bugs.

    When the first bug happened, my whole fishing stats got reset (/pfstats and /fishlb). I got really scared I had just lose all my progress and was kind of desperate.

    I decided to join the Discord to get some help and as soon as dadky heard that I had this problem he got to work to fix it and managed to get me back everything.

    Now, despite a few of these bugs happening in between the 5th of June and the 19th of June which only affected a couple of people (3 as far as I'm aware); my overall fishing experience was marvelous and allowed me to meet incredible people and have fun playing Minecraft again.

    I especially want to thank the staff for their incredible job in helping people as much as they can and I have a ton of respect for that.

    To conclude that first part, anyone who wants to start fishing, I recommend doing it because of a few reasons.

    First, if you are a beginner, it can helps with making a lot of money through the collection, selling and contests without any crazy farms.

    Second of all, fishing is an overall extremely passive and relaxing skill to upgrade with lots of features included which really makes a difference with the boring vanilla fishing.

    Lastly, if you are a very dedicated fisher, the fishing leaderboard is as close as you will get to a real competition with a lot of grind (though don’t forget to touch grass) and it's overall very thriving to fight for the title.


    If you made it to the second part, thank you for reading or skipping (it's fine xD) until now. This part will be shorter as I still need to gather more data to make the most of out this post and it will probably come is some kind of second volume.

    Anyway here is a list of things I noticed and just don't makes sense to me and then improvements that could be made.

    Just remember I am talking from my experience so my point of view might be biased. (Also I don't know if some features are actually possible to be created as I am not a developer.)

    - Changing the fishing contest start message so it redirects people to /warp fishing and not /warp spawn as the builders provide us with a beautiful warp especially for it.

    - Changing the odds to catch a Kraken when you are on the boat. (I have to detail this one). So basically I think it would be better to raise the odds of finding a Kraken (while on the ship) above other mythics as the Kraken seems to be the least fished out of all non-seasonal and I think it would be a great boost for anyone grinding it.

    - To stay in the theme of specific locations fishing, I think that the seasonal fishes such as Frog, Penguin, Squid... should only be able to be caught in the respective seasonal warp as /warp spring for Frog. As it would balance more where the people are fishing depending on their needs and desires. Same thing as previous point, the seasonal fishes should have higher odds than other mythics in their warps.

    - Small issue only concerning carrot but the easter basket are considered as player heads as soon as you fish them and so they cant be sold.:

    - I also hope we can reduce the current amount of people needed to start a contest from 10 to 8 on potato and from 5 to 4 or 3 on carrot (before the reset at least), as it has been impossible to get a contest going on carrot since a week or so and potato often lack 1 or 2 person on week days at the European and Asian hours.

    - The last thing I want to see added but I don't know if it is possible is the fact that in the contests, offline people which should get a reward or stats simply don’t get them. I wish it could be fixed but again it might not be possible to.


    That concludes the first volume of my post about fishing.

    Thank you.
    Brick_81, LauraLea and Ky like this.
  2. LauraLea

    LauraLea New Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    Great thoughts Ash!! I love how involved you have become in this community. I am so glad you are here and enjoying PF. I would not recommend changing the odds of catching the mythicals. Even though that Octopus hates me, I like that it is not easy to get. It makes them worth more money if you decide to sell the tags. They are supposed to be hard to catch so everyone wants them. I know it gets frustrating, look at Dave, lol, but once you get it, you are so excited.
    AshesRevamp and Brick_81 like this.
  3. Rimon_2004

    Rimon_2004 Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jul 17, 2020
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    "- To stay in the theme of specific locations fishing, I think that the seasonal fishes such as Frog, Penguin, Squid... should only be able to be caught in the respective seasonal warp as /warp spring for Frog. As it would balance more where the people are fishing depending on their needs and desires. Same thing as previous point, the seasonal fishes should have higher odds than other mythics in their warps."

    I don't think that we should limit the mythicals to a specific area but i think we could increase the rate in those spots. For example, you can catch the frog anywhere. But if you fish at the spring warp, you'd have a higher chance of catching it.

    "- Changing the odds to catch a Kraken when you are on the boat. (I have to detail this one). So basically I think it would be better to raise the odds of finding a Kraken (while on the ship) above other mythics as the Kraken seems to be the least fished out of all non-seasonal and I think it would be a great boost for anyone grinding it."

    I am gonna disagree with this. If the chances were to get increased, People would catch that then loose motivation to fish. Also i've seen many people that have caught the kraken multiple times. Honestly i just comes down to luck. I know DaveSmiles caught his first mythical after like 16k fish LOL. now that is bad luck
    AshesRevamp and LauraLea like this.
  4. Brick_81

    Brick_81 Active Member

    Jan 24, 2020
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    I disagree with the changing of fish catching rates for anything. I believe the current odds are good and I like that it’s a challenge, it being hard makes it feel so much more rewarding when you catch them.

    As for the restricting seasonal mythicals to seasonal warps, I’m kind of in between liking this and not. I feel that it would help keep the fish to the theme but also I feel like people should be able to catch them at any warp with fishing enabled.
    AshesRevamp likes this.
  5. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    I guess the odds will remain then :D. About PF it's thanks to people like you that I decided to stay and dedicate myself ! So thank you and to everyone else for that :D
  6. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    By increased odds I meant to do it like frog like if you fish on the boat you have slightly higher odds.
  7. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    Well I guess it will be down to ky and the other admins to decide :D.
  8. iMelXP

    iMelXP New Member
    Community Teams

    Aug 3, 2020
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    Hi Ash!!

    I agree that the amount of players online to trigger a contest should be lowered. Carrot should be 4 and Potato should be 8. I don't personally have any struggles with having enough people online to trigger the contest, but I live in EST so it's not a fair comparison. I also agree with changing the message to mention /warp fishing, because I didn't know it existed until a mod told me and was wondering where everyone was.

    I like the regional aspect you mentioned for the fishes, but the catch rate can't be increased without a catch. I'm only fishing level 300 something and don't have a great understanding of the custom plugin or the feasibility of this but:

    If the mythic catch rate is like, 0.01% or whatever it is, why not split that differently based on where you are? That way it encourages people to spread out. You're twice as likely to catch a deep water mythic in the deep part of /warp fishing, and half as likely to catch a shallow mythic. Reverse is true for shallow water. If you fish anywhere that isn't the "deep part" or the "shallow part", then the catch rate is 0.01%.

    Location: The deep part of /warp fishing off the dock or off the boat
    Catch rate:
    Jellyfish: 0.02%
    Sea Turtle: 0.005%
    Kraken: 0.02%
    Octopus: 0.02%
    Squid: 0.02%
    Penguin: 0.005%
    Axolotl: 0.005%
    Frog: 0.005%

    Location: By the shore (within like 6 blocks of the sand) at /warp fishing
    Jellyfish: 0.005%
    Sea Turtle: 0.02%
    Kraken: 0.005%
    Octopus: 0.005%
    Squid: 0.005%
    Penguin: 0.02%
    Axolotl: 0.02%
    Frog: 0.02%

    Again - these numbers are just for maths to get my point across, I don't actually know the spawn rate for mythics.

    idk if this is even possible but just my take! To increase chance by location at the expense of the chance to catch the other mythical fishes.

    great post ash!!
  9. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    Thats what I meant by increased odds in some places among other mythics but not increased over the 1/3333 current odds just like 3/10 chance for kraken on boat and others have 1/10 as you said. Yhank you for the effort you put in your answer aswell :D

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    So odds for a fish are set by its rarity and not its region I was talking to ky about this a few days ago and from what I understand you have an x% chance to get each rarity then from there a random fish from that category is chosen. If you are on the boat that category for the Kraken is larger therefore it's harder to get as it's 1 more fish in the pool of random fish to get.

    Also, don't forget this new version of our custom fishing has only been out for about a month now. We like the feedback and will be slowly but surely going through it and refining fishing as time passes. We also have more planned to come with the coins from the boxes.
    AshesRevamp likes this.
  11. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    I know about the fishing update being new adn I only wish to help in the refining part of it not matter how long it will take. :D