Open Peaceful Farms Community wiki interest thread

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by GokuTheNerd, May 27, 2022.


Is the pf community wiki a good idea or am i losing my mind

  1. terrible idea goku, go take a nap or something.

  2. great idea.

  3. I like this idea & would contribute to it.

  1. GokuTheNerd

    GokuTheNerd Active Member

    Sep 12, 2019
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    ok so basically I was answering a question in game about like fishing chances or something one day when i thought to myself "what if there was a pf wiki where all this information could be easily found"
    That's why I decided to make this post. you may ask, "why not just do this in a staff/cmt-only format" and the answer is that we don't really have enough interest or time to pull off making a wiki. many of us are busy with other things besides pf like school, work, and/or family stuff. We also have other updates to work on that take up our time.

    A pf wiki would contain pages about various custom items and features, an example would be this PF hopper page:
    A PF hopper is a special type of hopper that collects select items that are broken within a given chunk. This concept is sometimes known as a Chunk Hopper.
    A PF hopper can be crafted using two compressed iron, two chests, a hopper, and a crafting tool in a normal crafting table.
    A PF hopper can be placed down anywhere in a chunk and it will pick up any items from /prices that are broken in that chunk by a hoe, or dropped by a dropper or dispenser. PF hoppers do not pick up items dropped by players.
    The most common use for a PF hopper is to build a storage room below or above a manual farm where it is connected to the input of a crop storage system or autosellshard chest.
    another use for a pf hopper would be to connect it to a dropper across a chunk border to quickly move items over longer distances. This isn't something that is or should be done at a large scale due to potential lag issues.
    Such a page would have other details such as pictures of crafting recipes and storage system setups, as well as links to other custom items referenced, like compressed iron.

    Here's where I get to the important part of this post:
    If we were to move forward with making a wiki, we'd have to find a good home for it, this would be something that the PF admin team would have to deal with. In order to launch, we'd also need a decent amount of content to populate the wiki pages, this is where the community part comes into play. Many online wiki pages are written members of a community, I see no reason for PF to be any different.

    If you vote on the poll above and the results turn out to be in favor of making a wiki, I'll see If I can get a wiki formally added to our future update plans.

    Disclaimer: This post is not meant to imply that a PF wiki will ever happen, there are currently no formal plans to launch one, and this post is only to look for interest in such a project, as well as discussion of potential related ideas in the comments below.
  2. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    A wiki should definitely be a thing as there are a lot of stuff in PF overall like items and commands very few people heard about or even some more general stuff for new members. I also want to say I would 100% help if needed.
    Waffle likes this.
  3. DissonantGuile

    DissonantGuile New Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    I would absolutely contribute and I definitely know many here would. The easier it is for newbies to understand commands, setting homes, fishing, etc. then the better. The tutorial is great but it should emphasize checking out the wiki.
    Waffle and AshesRevamp like this.
  4. ItsYvy

    ItsYvy Member

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I wouldn't mind helping to build this
    AshesRevamp likes this.