Guide to Custom Fishing

Discussion in 'Guides' started by AshesRevamp, Jul 4, 2022.

  1. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    First you need a fishing rod, if you are a beginner, a good choice is a rod with lure 3 and mending like the epic rod. Some players give newcomers some epic rods. More advanced fishers however use rods with the custom bait enchant along with higher lure (IV-VI), which you can only get in seasonal crates rods and cost around 25.000.000$.
    You will then need to find a place to fish, either in /spawn or in /warp fishing.
    After that you will need to level up the McMMO Fishing skill. Once you reach level 1000, you will have the best fishing speed you can get from the plug-in.
    Fishing with a high lure rod in the off-hand makes catching fishes way faster so I recommend it (it is allowed as of now).
    An optimized fishing setup is a Lure V or VI rod in your off-hand, in a place exposed to the sun with fishing skill at 1000+.

    ⚠︎ This is a guide about the custom fishing not the McMMO one which you can see by using /fishing, which modifies the vanilla experience you can do in the normal world.

    There are 6 different tiers of fishes you can catch:

    47 junk (some are only 16.0cm but others vary from 1.2 to 60.9cm)
    35 commons (from 3.0 to 30.9cm)
    29 rares (15.0 to 100.9cm)
    26 epics (100.0 to 300.9cm)
    21 legendaries (250.0 to 650.9cm)
    21 mythics (550.0 to 1350.9cm)

    Some of these are seasonal fishes and can only be caught during their matching season (Valentines/Spring/Summer/Halloween/Winter).
    Some are weekend exclusive and can therefore only be obtained during the weekend such as the
    Some fishes can only be caught when standing in a certain area like the pirate
    Davy Jones and the Kraken which you have to stand on the main ship at /warp fishing to catch.

    Each mythic fishes comes with their own tags which you can display next to your username by going to /tags or can sell them for millions.



    /warp fishing teleports you to a warp dedicated to custom fishing.

    /sf or /sellfish allows you to sell fishes from your inventory to make money.

    /fishcollection displays a GUI where you can see how many fishes of each species you caught as well as the one with the most length of that specie. Catching new species or getting a fish with a higher length in one specie will grant you some rewards you can claim by clicking on the glowstone.

    /pfstats displays a lot of stats of the player and in the 4th slot you can see some fishing stats such as how many fishes you caught in total and this month, how many contests you won and the number of fishes in each rarity you caught.

    /fish top displays the current leaderboard of the contest up to 10 players.

    /fishlb displays the top 10 players who caught the most fish this month.



    Requirements: Catch 1500 common fishes.
    Unlocks: Ability to find common fishing treasure when fishing a common fish
    Rewards from the treasure: 1
    heart of the sea, 2 scutes, 1 golden coin, common fishing rod, 3 vote points, 25.000$, 50.000$.

    Requirements: Catch 500 rare fishes.
    Unlocks: Ability to find
    rare fishing treasure when fishing a rare fish
    Rewards from the treasure: Maurice,1 compress poisonous potato, 4 netherite ingots, 5 golden coin, rare fishing rod, 6 vote points, 50.000$, 75.000$.

    Requirements: Catch 250 epic fishes.
    Unlocks: Ability to find
    epic fishing treasure when fishing an epic fish
    Rewards from the treasure: 1
    compressed salmon/cod, 1 PF Hopper 10 golden coin, epic fishing rod, 9 vote points, 100.000$, 125.000$.

    Requirements: Catch 15 legendary fishes.
    Unlocks: Ability to find
    legendary fishing treasure when fishing a legendary fish
    Rewards from the treasure: 1
    donor key, 2 PF Hoppers legendary fishing rod, 12 vote points, 125.000$, 150.000$, 1 compressed diamond, 1 compressed emerald.

    Requirements: Catch 5 mythic fishes.
    Unlocks: Ability to find
    mythic fishing treasure when fishing a mythic fish
    Rewards from the treasure: 1
    time-capsule key, 2 donor keys, mythic fishing rod, 15 vote points, 200.000$, 300.000$, 2 compressed diamonds, 2 compressed emeralds.

    Blup Blup:
    Requirements: Catch 1 mythic fish.
    Fisher's Dream Particles.

    Requirements: Win a fishing contest.
    Unlocks: Winner Taunt: [ign] flexes their x contest wins!

    Requirements: Win a 1v1 fishing duel.
    Seagull Pet


    Fishing contests:

    Fishing contests happens every 1h30. Each player will have 15 minutes to get the longest fish they can.
    Only the top 3 players receive rewards.

    #1 gets 100.000$, 5 points and the 'Unstoppable' achievement for their first win.
    #2 gets 50.000$ and 3 points.
    #3 gets 10.000$ and 1 point.
    You can display the number of wins you have using the command /taunts winner.


    The fishing leaderboard:

    Each month a lot of players fight to be the one with the most fishes at the end of the month.
    The best player receives the following rewards
    1.000.000$, a monthly Victory tag and two time-capsule key. Second place will receive one time-capsule key and third place will receive two donor keys. Fourth to tenth get one donor key.
    At the end of the month, the leaderboard is reset.

    There is also a 1v1 contest where the players have to catch the maximum amount of fishes in 1 minute. You get
    1.000 $ for winning one of those. You can queue by right-clicking the NPC located at x: -404; y: 32; z: 334 in the warp fishing.


    If I made any mistakes feel free to correct me in the comments

    13/06/2023: Valentines 2023 and Spring 2023 fishes added in. Added some splashes of color. Fixed some typos.
    13/12/2022: Added changelog. Added the new seasonal fishes from winter 2022.
    14/12/2022: Reworked the colors for a smoother reading experience ^^
    12/01/2022: Added rewards for #2-#10 monthly
    17/09/2023: QOL changes
    18/09/2023: Update for summer 2023.
    17/10/2023: Disclaimer for /fishing command, formatting changes
    #1 AshesRevamp, Jul 4, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2024
  2. Madaiu

    Madaiu New Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Is their a prize for winning 1v1, other than the achievement?
  3. Waffle

    Waffle Active Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Madaiu likes this.