had a thought about maybe having a point lottery to get people to vote more, so each vote is one point in the lottery, so the more you vote, the higher chance you have of winning, could do a daily, weekly and monthly, where you can choose which to put points into, or they automaticallly go into all three to stop hoarding of points, the prizes could be, bundles or seasonal key packs for the monthly, small seasonal key packs for the weekly, and money or 1 seasonal key for the daily
How would the daily work? And would it be for the whole server? It sounds like a really cool idea, but it might be too over powered. Nice though!
maybe daily would be from the day before? and its either a small amount of money or a key, i was thinking it would be for whoever votes on either server, maybe do weekly and daily seperately on both and monthly on the overall server
well it would be random, thats the whole point of a lottery, but if you have 35 votes for that week, your gonna have a higher chance of winning than someone with 10 votes cos you have more tickets in the lotto, it would get people to vote alot more because at the moment there is barely any incentive to vote for the higher ranked players, other than supporting the server