cryopytes First Official Build Contest

Discussion in 'General' started by cryopyte, Jul 28, 2022.

  1. cryopyte

    cryopyte New Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Hello everybody

    My name is cryopyte and I am hosting a build contest alongside Rimon_2004 & LauraLeaQueenBee, as opposed to a recent build contest - there'll be less restrictive parameters for this build

    The theme is "oceanic/ocean" to fit in with the summer season (at least where I am :p) and all participants will be allowed to choose their own place to build at and the maximum build size is 5 chunks by 5 chunks
    The contest begins today, July 27th and ends August 10th
    The contest will last a total of 14 days (2 weeks), and the prizes will comprise of the following;

    1st place $150 million in-game
    2nd place $60 million in-game
    3rd place $40 million in-game

    At the end of the contest, all participants will be required to send any one of the three judges the coordinates to their build, and the builds will be judged on three criteria;

    Creativity - we like to see unique builds that challenge the builder to step outside of their comfort zone
    Detail - we like to see builds that have large amounts of detail because it shows the care and effort put into the build - we don't want to see a 5 minute build!
    Theme - as obvious as this sounds, we like to see builds that are most closely related to the theme within reason - a UFO floating above some water isn't an "oceanic" build

    After the final day of building - the judges will go through all the builds that are entered and judge them with 0% bias - means my friend won't get a vote from me for being my friend
    I am very excited to see what the participants can come up with and excited to see who wins this contest

    DM me for questions
  2. AwkwardWookie56

    AwkwardWookie56 New Member

    Jul 21, 2022
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    How would you like us to send our build coords? If none of the judges are on to /msg?
  3. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    You can also use the command /mail send (LauraleaQueenBee/Rimon_2004/cryopyte) so they can see the mail oncce they log in ^^
    AwkwardWookie56 likes this.