Open Giving Tree Concept / "The Gift Taunt Dilema"

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Amanda Vella, Oct 28, 2022.


Would You rather Buy Taunts at a server shop or Complete Quests to Unlock them?

  1. Pay to taunt

    2 vote(s)
  2. Play to taunt

    0 vote(s)
  1. Amanda Vella

    Amanda Vella New Member

    Oct 28, 2022
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    Community Bettering Idea Board Use Caution While Reading try to follow along.
    This concept is based of a 15-minute rant ive had with myself alone in a dark room and was not formatted from its origional form.

    Problem: Mega Does not have the gift Giving Taunt

    Proposed Solution: A Complicated 4 phase plan that involves adding a feature to spawn.

    My idea started as " There should be a way to unlock Gift taunt like Flex taunt since its such a "wholesome and good promoting" feature that all regular players should have.

    The more was mulling over the concept for a little quest-giver at spawn that promotes Philanthrophy through unrewarded quests, finally resulting in the Gift Taunt. This would promote the Generosity concept as well as being a fun sidequest that only results in bragging rights.

    This idea can be expanded further by making the "Always Getting Griefed" Free Item Warp an Official "Giving Tree" type warp destination Where the Gift Quest can be found. I always loved the free item warp and try to keep it stocked and organized but theres still a lot of people throwing things away instead of having a reason to donate Wasteblocks from mining.

    Perhapse a "bottle deposit: like system would benifit but i have no idea how such a system would be implimented. Like i said i had a 15 minute rant with myself simply because i Dont know how to get a Taunt i want.
    AshesRevamp likes this.
  2. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    A few things: As for me I don't have the taunt as I wasn't for Christmas and as wholesome the taunt is, I think it's good it's kind of rare. Though I'd love to see permanent quest added.