Open New items - QoF improvements - New sell things

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Herrow, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. Herrow

    Herrow New Member

    Nov 4, 2022
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    Hello everyone, let's go straight to the point!

    As an almost p3 user I'm starting to understand that there is not a solid endgame for the server. The point should be farming for the "Dragon claw" or to be the best in ther server but there is no point at all trying to challenge for that.

    -----Dragon Claw Upgrade

    The dragon claw as it is now, disappoint almost everyone that gets it because, for a person beign able to get the resources to craft it, being able to fast sell from his inventory is useless, pf hoppers are a thing, afterall. That's why I suggest to create a recipe to upgrade the dragon claw in this way: make 4 more recipes.

    First one -> Dragon Handle : 4x crompress obsidian + 4x compressed gold ingot + 1 compress diamond

    Second one -> Dragon Breath: 4x crompress obsidian + 4x compressed blaze powder + 1 compress diamond

    Third one -> Dragon Nucleus : 4x crompress obsidian + 8x compressed ender pearls + 1 compress diamond

    Fourth one - > Dragon Skin: 4x crompress obsidian + 16x dragon shards + 1 compress diamond

    (Feel free to change those recipes btw)

    THe final recipe is one of each of this things in the corners + 4x dragon tokens and the dragon claw in the middle.

    This will create the Dragon's Heritage, a tool that can sell items placed in chests, like a sell shards but without limits (but a low durability and needs to be repaired by dragon shards)

    ----- Add Redstone things to the shop.

    As said, I think that adding more object of redstone in the shop, would help a lot of people.

    We would like: Repeaters - Comparators - Dispencers - Droppers - Oberservers - Rails (all of them). You could set an high prices for them.

    ------ Turtle Farms
    I think that adding in /prices something related to the turtles would be really nice! I love them and making a profit out of them would be nice! Don't say anything about "But who would farm turtles?" the same people who now farms "Ink sak", lol. I would like to be able to sell scutes, eggs and seagrass.

    --- Make copper usefull

    I think that being able to really find a use for copper would increase the Gameplay quality of the server!

    2 options, I propose:
    1) A sign in some are to convert copper from himself to other minerals-

    2) A way, maybe in /shop, to actually sell copper, for money!

    ---- Adding Fish in /prices

    I suggest to add the fishes in /prices, from the time that the polar bear farms are a thing and they drop fishes.

    -- More if I get any idea
    #1 Herrow, Nov 30, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2022
    Oladipo_4 likes this.
  2. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    Copper to shop will probably never happen as the server economy doesn't includes anything from mining.
    Same goes for the fish, I'm already glad that we can make money through customs fishes and adding normal fishes to shop would be pointless.
  3. Herrow

    Herrow New Member

    Nov 4, 2022
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    I would not say "Pointless" From the moment that we can sell "ink sac", even if it's not a crop or something like that, so normal fish is a mob drop, like it is the pig meat etc etc.

    Thanks for your feedback to.

    BUTTERFIELD8 Administrator
    Administrator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 5, 2018
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    So the listed items can be sold in /disposal for $1. Only farming-related items (not byproducts) can be sold as that's just a part of the economy. There might be a day when we move some things out of the disposal menu and into /prices as they have become main drops for some mobs. Spawner farming has never really been a big staple of the economy but since ink does sell it might make sense to add things like scute and fish from polar bears.

    I never have gone for The Dragon Claw, but I agree it's underwhelming. I don't see us adding another version as sell shards are a thing but we are going to add shard stacking where you can merge shards and maybe with that we will create more ways to obtain smaller shards.

    For copper, if there is to be a use for it maybe in custom crafting. Maybe for another version of a PF Hopper or something like that. Then as for the shop, we like to keep it very limited to promote player-made shops and we don't really want to promote the use of redstone (for farms) but we don't want to limit what people can do with it so that's why it's not in the shop. In a few months, we plan to add some more basic blocks to the shop that have been added in recent versions though.
  5. Herrow

    Herrow New Member

    Nov 4, 2022
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    Thanks for thinking about adding scute and fishes in drops! I was talking about your same point, from the time that the ink is in there, why not?

    For the dragon claw, even if not a new item, i just think that like it is now, is just a "ghost" item for the endgame, you are all to take it but won't ever because is pointless, sadly.

    I agree for copper.

    Hope to see what you talked about soon! Thanks!
  6. Oladipo_4

    Oladipo_4 Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    i do agree with the dragon claw. for how much of a pain in the arse it is to get, it’s quite disappointing besides the obvious sell feature. it takes so long to get, and for it to only have fortune 14 is quite annoying. perhaps we get it updated more than just able to use in off hand