So I was thinking that it would be really great if the key from keyparties could be given to everyone even if they are not online during the kp. Let me explain. A lot of people including me can't connect during keyparties because it's either really late or they can't access Minecraft in time when they happen. I find it kind of unfair even though it's no one's fault. To solve this I thought of a way which could potentially solve the problem. Why not making it so the key will be given to anyone who has logged on the server in the past 24 hours or so. Therefore the people can still be active and not worry a lot about logging in time for keyparties. I don't know if it's possible but I'd love it if staff could find a way to solve this.
Really gonna play devil's advocate here, but I don't agree with this. When a new crate comes out, people buy keys, let's say 20, for example. I get 20 keys at the start of the event, fair chance I'll get enough of what I need to not need any more keys, so all the people that may have missed out on those 20 key parties won't have missed out at all, meaning it will be less likely more keys are purchased in the future. This harms the income of the server, and makes it harder for the owners to dedicate time to the server and making events more fun. I think it could be shortened to, maybe 10 minutes, so people who crash or have a hard time reconnecting can still get something, but 24 hours is way too long and would significantly harm income. Plus, it takes away a lot of the fun of rushing online to get the keys.
Ye... I didn't see it from this point of view my bad ^^ (but the fun of rushing doesn't apply when ppl are sleeping )
especially with time zones. lots of people are playing from the us, meaning opposite side of the world may not be able to get online for all of the key parties people on this side purchase
alternative idea i have had, we could allow 50% of all key parties trust go through to go into your /crate on the server you logged off on. this way people aren’t getting insanely overpowered, but players can still get crates if they aren’t online for them
Although I like the idea and I understand we have users in multiple time zones but there is no good solution for the matter in our eyes at the time.