Open Future Event Idea

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by LIlToasty04, Dec 20, 2022.

  1. LIlToasty04

    LIlToasty04 New Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    This is just a random idea that I had while completing the turkey meat quest for Samantha in the Christmas 2022 Whoville event. I noticed I would always have extra quest items in my inventory, and sometimes even rare quest items. Usually I'm nice with the rare items, offering them to anyone who needs them. But usually even then everyone whos online when I am has already completed said quest.

    So I started thinking, What if there was a way to exchange extra quest items for the currency for the event, or even just something else. I understand that giving players another way to rack up currency for the event is a little.. like.. OP in a way? But like, the concept is there, I'm sure the moderators would tweak it to make it still fair for everyone. It gets so annoying having to just dump extra items somewhere for them to eventually despawn or something.

    In short terms, my idea is basically just some kind of way for us to exchange extra quest items we have since we've already completed the quest. The amount of possibilities for this simple thing seems almost endless to me. And again I'm sure the mods would tweak it here and there so it would work out for everyone.

    Please feel free to comment your opinions!
    AshesRevamp likes this.
  2. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    Getting 1-2 cookie per rare drop wouldn't be extremly op I think, and the point of quests is mainly to complete them for fun anyway, so I like that idea a lot!