As we have /endrealm and /rtp for the Overworld, I, and many other players want to see more biomes added to regular /rtp, and also a /netherrealm command. This would make it easier for newer players to get into the Nether and start gaining XP / farming mobs / exploring. I feel that this would also make Nether bases a little more common, as, at least me personally, am more inclined to make a base somewhere where I could easily teleport to/around. This isn't an absolutely necessary command, but for QoL, it also makes rankup requirements easier, and I couldn't see a reason for us to have RTP for the End, and not the Nether.
i agree as well. especially back when we had 1.16.5 introduced. most of us expected something like that to be added then so we could easily get to newer chunks. as for new biomes, more specific ones would be nice if possible
Also maybe some sub-menus for some genric title, like "ice" could have frozen river, frozen peaks, snowy taiga etc... beecause spamming the command to get one in perticualr is fairly annoying.
To advance on my suggestion, /rtpmenu could be a command or something, so that there is a general GUI, whereas /rtp would still teleport without specification.
I dont know if you are aware but right now we can access the biomes rtp via /warps then clicking the middle icon, so maybe re-use that menu but expand it?