Open Add composters to /shop for a low price

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Saber, Jan 8, 2023.

  1. Saber

    Saber Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 6, 2023
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    When building large crop storage systems it become necessary to have a large amount of hoppers to move the items around. The problem is that these hoppers are always looking for items to suck in wasting valuable compute time on the server. There is a solution though, if you place a composter on top of the hoppers, the hoppers will only check the one slot of the composter every tick instead of all the air above them. This reduces the load on the server, however since this doesn't reduce the load on the client and increase fps there is limited motive for players to cover their hoppers. Adding in the wood intensive crafting process for composters, most players would opt not to bother. That is why I am suggesting that composters be added to /shop in the misc. section for a low or even free price so that players will be more willing to cover their hoppers.

    The reason for why this helps reduce lag is better explained in this reddit post:
    Demo + Why composters on top of hoppers are used to reduce lag : technicalminecraft (
    LuSxcks likes this.
  2. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    I agree that it would be great to have more ways to reduce the lag on the server and we already have some similar blocks like the barrel in shop so why not composterss :D
  3. GodOfSandwiches

    Jul 2, 2022
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    Cant you just buy a couple stacks of logs then shift the logs into wb then shift click the slabs in recipe book then shift click the composter recipe? Doesnt seem that intensive ngl
  4. Saber

    Saber Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 6, 2023
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    You are correct and it seems they only end up costing about $100 each when made this way but I still want composters and chests on the shop for a simple reason, I'm lazy :p
    Waffle likes this.